You Don’t Say “No” to Enchiladas

SkylarFebruary 7, 2014

It’s Friday. Last day of work before the weekend. The secretary I work for gets a call from our boss saying he brought enchiladas and we are welcome to have some.

Do I say yes or do I say no? I brought my lunch…but wait it’s free enchiladas. What am I thinking?! You don’t say “no” to enchiladas. Ever. Period. Statement. Declarative sentence.

Saying “no” to enchiladas would be un-New Mexican.

So of course we went over and got a plate of enchiladas. They were some of the best green enchiladas I’ve had in a long time! They may not look appealing in a picture, but I promise they were delicious!

Going on with my food talk I did have fro-yo this week with a big group of my sorority sisters. This was my first time for the semester and I had forgotten how yummy it is!

I’ve also been making some pretty bomb oatmeal this week too.


Today I had planned to get up and go to a yoga class at 7 am and then go to work. However, that didn’t work out. My bed had other plans for me. I had made overnight oats so that I could eat them after yoga and once I got to work. I heated them up this morning and they were amazing.

I used this recipe from Julie at Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie Dough Overnight Oats. They are sooo good!


I also tried to meal prep by making broccoli and sweet potatoes.

The broccoli came out out good.


As for the tiger fries…well they were sweet potato fries, but I left them alone a little too long. Oops. Tiger fries is their new name. (Sorry my picture is blurry. Fail.)


So far I’ve made it to the gym every day this week. Obviously on Monday and Wednesday because I have weight training. On Monday I did cardio after and on Wednesday I did a BBB workout before class. I figure you could use a reminder of what my face looks like, so yes I did take a bathroom selfie after one of my gym workouts.


On both Tuesday and Thursday I ran on the treadmill. Usually I prefer running outside, but sometimes I go through these treadmill phases.  Tuesday I did intervals and yesterday I just ran 4 miles. It was a good time. I like to people watch at the gym. People do weird stuff.


Well that’s about it for today’s post centered around food and fitness! I don’t have any plans for the weekend so I’m looking forward to going with the flow. That’s my favorite way to live anyways.

This picture just cracks me up. You have to pronounce the word above ^.  That’s for all you northeasterners who are getting all the “phno”…snow I mean. Have a good weekend!

Are there any foods you just don’t say no to? What’s on your weekend agenda?

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