X Games Austin 2014

SkylarJune 10, 2014

This past weekend my family and I went to the X-Games in Austin, Texas. Since I was a young girl I remember watching the X-Games and hoping someday that we would get to go. Before the X-Games had always been in Los Angeles, but this year they moved it to Austin, Texas.


We have plenty of family members who live here, so we knew we would try to go to the X-Games. When tickets went on sale earlier this year we bought some to make it happen. And here I am writing my first recap of going to the X-Games.

Many of you may be thinking “What the heck is the X-Games?!” Watch this video and that’ll give you an idea.

The X-Games was held at the Circuit of Americas which is the first track built in the U.S. for Formula One racing (that’s a big deal). So this venue is absolutely massive. We did so much walking just to get from parking to the events, so we definitely got in plenty of exercise. Anndd not to mention the heat and humidity here. Everyone was drenched in sweat all day! It was pretty nasty, but hey it’s okay if everyone is dying from the heat.

My family loves the X-Games for the Moto-X events and so whenever there was an Moto-X event we were there. Friday night was the first official night of the X-Games. We went and watched the Moto-X Best Whip and the Step-Up competition. It was awesome! It’s so much more fun to watch in person than on TV.


After those events we went and stopped by the skateboarding Big Air competition. The ramp set-up was also ginormous! I couldn’t believe how big it was. Keep in mind the drop-in point is at the top left on the first picture on this post.


Saturday was a long hot day out in the sun filled with many events. I also couldn’t believe how many people were at the X-Games, especially on Saturday. It was packed full of people! The first event we went to see was Rally Car racing. Between events we would walk around and go get some food or something to drink. Next on our agenda was the Moto-X Speed and Style competition.  The big event we were wanting to see was the Moto-X freestyle event where they get individual runs to do some tricks on the course. Unfortunately it was really windy so they had to postpone it to Sunday, but on Sunday it was even windier so they didn’t end up having it.

That night we went to a Kanye West and Mac Miller concert. With the 3 day pass we got we could sit in the stadium seats right above the floor level, so we were pumped to get nice seats.

Mac Miller was a lot of fun to watch and was great at interacting with the crowd.


Kanye West put on an amazing show, but as far as talking to the crowd there wasn’t a whole lot of that. But otherwise it was still a lot of fun to watch. I forget how much better watching someone live is than just hearing them on the radio. (Well if they sound as good live as they do on the radio haha.)


Saturday’s full day of X-Games left us with sunburns. My Aunt and I were pretty red, so being out in the sun on Sunday was a little rough. That day we went to watch rally truck racing. Rally truck racing is wild!! They get in a few wrecks and jumbles, but most of the time they’re able to whip around and get to racing again! Since moto-x events got cancelled the only event going on was the mens skateboarding street final. That was in the stadium and floods of people were headed there to watch. We sat and watched it on a big screen outside for a bit, but then decided to leave since we wouldn’t be able to get in to watch it anyways. Our sunburns weren’t enjoying being out in the sun another day either.


And that was our X-Games experience!

We’ll be in Austin and San Marcos until Thursday or Friday, so later I’ll do a blog post on that half of the trip. Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Is there an event that you’ve been dying to go to for a long time? Do you watch the X-Games?

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