Winter Break in Missouri
The past two weeks I went to Missouri to visit my boyfriend. My time with him was pretty slow and quiet (in a good way). I got home from Missouri this Sunday and it already seems like so much time has passed since I was there. The main purpose of my blog is for it to serve as a place to document my life and so of course I have to blog about this trip.

My boyfriend is in the Army and is stationed in Fort Leonard Wood. During the week he had to work. He was up super early around 5 a.m give or take to go to P.T. (work out) and would get back with just enough time to get dressed for the day and maybe eat breakfast. Then he’d go off to work and wouldn’t get back until around 5:30 at night. So basically I had all day to myself.
Some days the bf was able to leave his jeep for me so I could get out of the house. On those days I went to a local CrossFit box right down the road. I got in some great workouts and learned some new gymnastics moves. I think it’s always interesting to go to different CrossFit boxes because I learn something new and gain appreciation for my home box. Everyone at this box was super friendly and made me feel welcome.
Some days the bf wasn’t able to leave me his jeep, so I was very intentional about getting out of the house and getting some fresh air. I get a little stir crazy if I’m inside too long, so going for a walk outside was always refreshing. While out walking I would listen to a podcast. My current favorites are Girls Gone Wod and Serial (season 2). If you’re looking for new podcasts I highly recommend either of those!
The time I had by myself during the day served as a great opportunity for me to work on my photography business, my Lara Casey powersheets, blog reading, and some Netflix watching. I got a lot of things done that I had been needing to cross off my list, so that was nice.
The first weekend we had there it ended up snowing. So we didn’t get out much and I was completely okay with that.
We hung out with a lot of my bf’s friends. One of my favorite things we did was play Cards Against Humanity. If you love Apples to Apples and want to play a more “adult” version then you have to try out this game. It’s rather hilarious!
Another week went by where I got in a few more CrossFit workouts and spent a lot of time on my computer. The next weekend was MLK so the bf didn’t have to go to work on Friday. We ended up going to St. Louis on Saturday to have something to do. I like to try to sneak pictures of him with my phone, but I’m rarely successful. He always knows I’m up to something.
Our first stop in St. Louis was Anheuser‑Busch for a brewery tour. The brewery was packed with people that day, so they didn’t have room on their paid tours. Luckily we got to go on a complimentary tour! We saw the Clydesdale horses and their stable (those horses are massive!). Then we went to a couple different places that showed their brewing process. We got a sample beer and then ended the tour with a full complimentary beer. The free tour paid off! I’m not a huge beer drinker, but I can’t pass up on a complimentary one!
Of course I had to get a perfect picture of my beer to post on my Snapchat story.
That Saturday night we went to a St. Louis Blues hockey game versus Montreal. I had never been to a hockey game before, so it was a first for me. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed watching the game. Those guys really work super hard for every single point they get. The Blues ended up winning in overtime 4-3, so it was an exciting win!
Sooner than I wanted my least favorite part of the trip came around. On Sunday it was time for him to drop me back off at the airport.
Two weeks sounds like a long time to visit, but I’m never ready to leave him. Long distance is rough. I always get super emotional especially the last few days we have together. Anything can set the tears to flowing. Sometimes it happens in public and I totally embarrass him. And people stare at him like he did something wrong to me. But nope it’s actually the opposite. I love him so much it just makes me cry hahaha and I wish more than anything that I wasn’t such a crybaby. Seriously it’s so annoying. But I’ll see him again “soon”!
It’s already Friday again, so I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Tell me…what have you been up to?!
Have you ever been to Missouri?
Comments (7)
January 22, 2016 at 8:55 am
Sounds like you had a wonderful and relaxing visit! I have never heard of Lara Casey powersheets so I gave them a Google and they look like a really neat way to record, motivate and inspire. Oh, and I feel you on the long distance emotions. My now fiancee and I went through a pretty long LD stint while he was getting his Phd and those last few days of any trip the water-works struggle was real! You’ll look back on these quiet and meaningful visits with such fondness though when you’re through to the other side! 🙂
January 22, 2016 at 9:35 am
I feel ya on the long distance. the only thing that kept my spirits up is reminding myself it was only temporary. I’ve also never been to a hockey game, but I would love to get to one one of these days!
Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)
January 22, 2016 at 5:47 pm
Distance is the worst! We’ve been apart for 4 weeks so far and have another 42 days to go. Saying goodbye is always the hardest part. Sending you good vibes!
January 22, 2016 at 8:03 pm
So sorry, darling granddaughter, that you got those emotional teary eyes from me. It’s a good thing, though, for I know you have a “huge emotional heart” and that is wonderful. Love being in love!
January 23, 2016 at 8:22 pm
Aww! I’m sorry for the distance! 🙁 But at least you can enjoy the time you get to be together! 🙂
Morgan H.
January 26, 2016 at 5:34 am
Omg yes to serial 2 and I’m definitely going to be checking out Girls gone Wod because it looks so good! I’m so glad you had fun in missouri! Your photos are beautiful (as always) and love that you got to spend time with your man!!
karla @ finding my fit
February 8, 2016 at 1:52 pm
I’m in my first relationship in a long time that isn’t distance… and he’s not military finally! I have spent far too much of my life at FLW and will be returning there for 4.5 weeks this summer/fall. That place has a few hidden gems but it’s a bore otherwise 😉