WIAW: Sister’s Birthday Weekend

SkylarOctober 22, 2014

Hello everyone! I’m linking up today for What I Ate Wednesday. This Monday was my younger sister’s 20th birthday, so for the weekend my parents came to visit us and celebrate.

As most of you understand, when family or friends come to visit your healthy eating habits tend to fly right out the window. Mine were already far gone due to returning from fall break and resuming a crazy week of school that was consumed with Homecoming activities.

These Smucker Uncrustables made more than one appearance in front of me during my lunch at school. Hey they were only 75 cents.

Smuckers 10-22

Friday night my parents came into town and we went to a high school football game. Many of my students are involved in sports, cheer, band, etc, so I was excited to watch them perform. Unfortunately I had a sorority event to attend before the game so I was in a rush and stopped to get a grilled cheese from Sonic. Food wasn’t allowed in the gates so I had to scarf down my grilled cheese in front of the security guard. One of my classiest moments.

Friday Night Football 10-22

After the game we had to stop to get some frozen ice cream from Caliches. Custard, excuse me. Best frozen custard around.

Caliches 10-22

Saturday morning I took my parents and sister and her boyfriend to one of my favorite local breakfast places called The Shed. I ordered a breakfast burrito with green chile. The waitress warned it was hot and she was not lying. I got a little sweaty will eating my burrito, but it was well worth it. I’d rather my green chile be hot than not.

The Shed 10-22

For dinner in celebration of my sister’s birthday we went to Texas Roadhouse. I ate plenty of rolls with cinnamon butter and enjoyed a filet steak with a baked potato.  It was too much food to take pictures of and mostly it was too dark.

My family seems to find enjoyment out of bowling. On the other hand, I hate bowling. Maybe hate is too strong of a word, but I simply don’t enjoy it. I made it through one game and then luckily we went home to eat CAKE!

Bowling Kenzee's B-Day

My Mom made my sister a pumpkin dream cake with maple cream cheese frosting. Yes, I know I said in yesterday’s post that I can’t even when it comes to pumpkin spice. Well cake is an exception and I may or may not be eating a leftover piece as I type this. Anyways, the cake was amazing.

Pumpkin Cake 10-22

I had a piece as an afternoon snack on Sunday when I was preparing for the week ahead and watching football.

Pumpkin Cake Slice 10-22

We concluded our weekend of birthday festivities with lunch at the local Dick’s cafe. Everyone got delicious burgers while I got a plain ol’ chicken quesadilla because that’s what was calling my name.

Dicks 10-22

That sums up my weekend!! After that last week of not-so-healthy meals I’ve finally been a bit more on track this week with an exception of a slice or two of pumpkin cake.

What have you been eating lately? How do you recover from a “bad” week?

Comments (4)

  • Jessie

    October 22, 2014 at 1:54 pm

    You ate so much delicious looking meals over the weekend. I give you major props for making it through the hot chili burrito. I would’ve been dying after one or two bites. Ha!

    If you don’t mind, can you let your Mother know my birthday is in July. I’ll take the same flavor cake 🙂 lol jk!

  • Mamacita

    October 22, 2014 at 2:42 pm

    My personal opinion is that you should be a professional photograph for some fantastic publishing company or food network. As a former teacher, my thoughts are that you could make a lot more money and have less frustration! Enjoy your day!

  • Cailee

    October 22, 2014 at 7:42 pm

    YUM! I used to LOVE Uncrustables! Even when I was in high school I brought em back into my diet for a time of ‘nostalgia!’ Now I really want one! …first they need to make a gluten free variety!! Also, I just ate a g.free burrito yesterday! YUM! 🙂 Your’s looks delicious! 🙂 Glad you got to have a fun time with your sister for her 20th! So exciting!

  • Faith VanderMolen

    October 25, 2014 at 12:45 am

    Haha I hate bowling too!! So glad I’m not alone:) Everything looks amazing!

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