WIAW: Baking from The Paleo Kitchen

SkylarAugust 6, 2014

***I haven’t been blogging as much because I’d rather be posting on my blog in the making. It should be ready this weekend for sure!

Hello everyone! I’m linking up today for What I Ate Wednesday!

Peas and Crayons

This past week on Thursday I got my wisdom teeth out. That meant I was out of commission for working for my Dad. I got The Paleo Kitchen for my birthday and had yet to try out any recipes so this week was the time to whip up some recipes. I tried the Fluffly Blueberry Pancakes & the Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread.





wiaw july 2 paleo kitchen

Fluffy Blueberry Pancakes

I made these pancakes one morning for breakfast for my family. We fell in love! I do have to admit that they were not 100% Paleo because I had to use whole wheat flour since we didn’t have tapioca flour.

Regardless, these “almost” Paleo pancakes tasted just like a fluffy batch of whole wheat pancakes. These have coconut flour in them and y’all know my battles with coconut flour and honestly I still loved them. Y’all definitely have to try this recipe out!

WIAW Fluffy Blueberry Pancakes

Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread

Later that afternoon I got a little bored and decided to try the next recipe on my “to-try” list. Once again coconut flour was a starring ingredient. I had all the other ingredients on hand at home so this is a true Paleo treat!

WIAW Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread

I love this Banana Bread. I think it may take some slight getting used to, but I’ve been eating it all week and enjoy it even more every time. It’s dense and moist and full of banana flavor with some chocolate swirled in. My mom and sister also loved this bread so I’ll be making it again!

I’ve been enjoying a slice topped with some cookie butter. It may not be the healthiest way to eat it, but it sure as heck tastes good.WIAW slice Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread

Salsa Verde Chicken Enchiladas

For my last meal before heading back to college on Sunday my mom made me some enchiladas for lunch. Evidently these are in no way Paleo. My mom found the recipe off Pinterest. Enchiladas is one of my favorite meals and I always request some while I’m at home.

My Mom used some Green Chile sauce that was evidently quite chunky and made the enchiladas pretty hot. She made flat enchiladas instead of rolled so there was another stack of tortillas that we got into before I remembered to take a picture.WIAW Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas

While eating these I was wishing my wisdom teeth were already healed because I would have eaten a lot more than I did! I think this is a recipe that we’ll be coming back to!

That’s all I’m going to include for today. I’m starting student teaching this week so lunch has been pretty boring as in peanut butter and honey sandwiches and carrots. Which is delicious if you ask me.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

What is something you baked lately? Any recipes you’re wanting to try?

Comments (6)

  • Elsie@SharingHealthiness

    August 6, 2014 at 8:37 am

    Mmmmm you definitely went to another level with this weeks WIAW!!! Those enchiladas look so delicious!! I need to start baking again..with this warm weather I only head for the grill or no cooking at all…just raw!
    Good luck on starting college again and brave you for taking out those wisdom teeth…OUCH! 😉

  • Christine

    August 6, 2014 at 10:41 am

    Gosh, SO many great new recipes!! I’ve been absolutely crrraaaaving pancakes lately, so you’ve inspired me to make them today for a pancake lunch or dinner :). I hope you’re feeling alright form getting your wisdom teeth pulled out! Mine came out pretty easily and I was feeling normal the next day. Happy Wednesday!

  • GiselleR

    August 6, 2014 at 12:57 pm

    I baked fish n chips recently, does that count? lol
    I really want to try making *healthy* baked donuts next. I’ve baked the unhealthy kind and they were great so now I want to tackle a healthier version. Maybe using coconut flour- which I’ve never used before, so it’ll probably be an adventure haha

  • Sam @ Reddy Or Knot

    August 6, 2014 at 5:43 pm

    I was so so excited to buy that cookbook but haven’t been ultra impressed so far. I made the banana bread as well and thought it was very dense and almost egg-y in taste. I was not a fan at all of the chicken spaghetti squash fritters from that book. Who knows…maybe I just haven’t had the best luck!

  • brittney@exploringhealthyfoods.com

    August 10, 2014 at 8:13 pm

    Oh my goodness those pancakes!! Great post! I recently baked some vegan chocolate chip cookies, they were amazing! 🙂

  • caileejoy

    August 12, 2014 at 6:16 pm

    WOW! Those pancakes look delicious!! As does that bread…and everything!! YUM! 🙂 Hope that you are having a great week!!

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