WIAW #2 Continent Pancakes

SkylarJune 4, 2014

Hello everyone! Today I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday! This will cover about a span of a week and a few things I’ve eaten during that time.

As I sit here working on this blog post I’m eating my protein pancakes that look like I was trying to create pancakes in the shapes of the 7 continents. Or like a mom who is trying to make dinosaur shaped pancakes for her little boys. I don’t know what went wrong in my proportions!

dinosaur pancakes june 4

Despite the funky shape they still tasted delicious and filled me up this morning.

continent pancakes

Now let’s begin:

WIAW june 4 1On the right: My Mom made some Chocolate Banana Bread with coconut and peanut butter chips. With a layer of peanut butter on top, it was a perfect breakfast choice.

On the left: I made a vanilla iced coffee protein shake. I was pretty impressed with my concoction and hopefully will share on the blog soon once I perfect it.

WIAW june 4 2

On the right: We had spaghetti last night for dinner and my Mom made homemade spaghetti sauce.

On the left: I had been dying to have pizza, so we made homemade pizza one night. One pizza had pepperoni and green chile. The other pizza had olives and….a bunch of other vegetables that I did not take any part in.

WIAW june 4 3On the right: Sunday mornings usually mean we put something quick and savory in the oven for breakfast. A popular choice is cinnamon rolls. I haven’t had a cinnamon in awhile so I really enjoyed it. Of course I used the cream cheese frosting, but peanut butter really can go on about anything.

On the left: We have a little baby skillet that can cook eggs just like the one above. It’s the perfect size for making an egg for a biscuit or English muffin.

WIAW June 4 4On the right: We had cauliflower rice for lunch with a stir fry of chicken, broccoli, and peppers. Cauliflower rice is surprisingly good. As long as you don’t think about it not being actual grainy rice, you wouldn’t notice much of a difference.

On the left: Salmon patties with peas and mac & cheese! I’m typically not a huge macaroni person, but every now and then some mac & cheese can make my day.

Here are a few recipes that I am wanting to try out:

PaleOMG|Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread

The Simple Lens| Avocado Brownies

This Gal Cooks| Crockpot Chicken Burrito Bowls

Sprinkle Bakes| Coconut Cappuccino Muffins

PaleOMG| Chocolate Coffee Banana Donuts

That’s a wrap! Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!!

What is one of your favorite things you’ve eaten lately? Have you ever made odd shaped pancakes?

Comments (7)

  • pickyrunner

    June 4, 2014 at 11:31 am

    Mmmmm pancakes and pizza 🙂 my favorites! I’ve been eating a LOT of grilled cheese lately. Everyday for lunch, actually. And then for dinner whatever my parents make. Best part about being home- not having to prepare your own meals!

  • Leigha

    June 4, 2014 at 11:56 am

    I could alllways go for mac&cheese! but everything looks really yummy! Pancakes always taste better when they’re a fun shape, right? haha!

  • Aurora

    June 4, 2014 at 4:12 pm

    The shape of those pancakes is too funny! Aaand now I’m craving mac and cheese. Plus, my friend just informed me that it’s National Cheese Day? That may need to happen!

  • Heather @ PrettyHealthyMostoftheTime

    June 4, 2014 at 6:17 pm

    Haha that one pancake really does resemble a stegosaurus! Have you tried PaleOMG recipes before? Her desserts are always so stinkin’ good!

  • jessielovestorun

    June 5, 2014 at 12:21 am

    Hey! Sometimes the most delicious meals look the ugliest.Haha! I love your idea of adding green chili’s onto your pizza. I’m thinking I’ll have to give it a try one of these days. Perhaps I’ll make it more like an enchilada flavored pizza 🙂

  • WIAW #3: Coconut Flour is Weird | The Blonde In Black

    June 18, 2014 at 8:43 am

    […] I had some issues with the shape not looking like a normal pancake. They weren’t as bad as my continental pancakes, but still they weren’t pretty. This one is alright, but the second one…well […]

  • WIAW #4 Mom’s Birthday | The Blonde In Black

    June 25, 2014 at 8:50 am

    […] On the right: Once again I made some protein pancakes that had came out in weird oblong shapes. At least they had more of a circular form to them than my continent pancakes. […]

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