Why I Started Focusing on My Nutrition
In December 2015 I was tired of playing a guessing game of what I should be eating. I decided it was time to start Focusing on My Nutrition.
I had been doing CrossFit for a year and a half. Paleo was all the rave, but was not a good time for me. The fact that you weren’t supposed to eat peanut butter or grains was hard for me! I had reached a point where I felt like I was dragging through workouts, like every workout. I wanted direction. I wanted to feel better in the gym. Of course I wanted to look better too.
I had heard of this thing called flexible dieting. At the time I thought, I can be fit and still eat a donut? No way. I need to do this.
Working with a Nutrition Coach & Tracking Macros
So I started working with a nutrition coach who I had met and who knew about this flexible dieting thing. @hollywaydarcy taught me the basics of tracking macros and how to weigh and measure food based. ( and a whole lot more).
I remember one of my first workouts shortly after I started focusing on my nutrition and remember feeling like I had SO much more ENERGY. I was eating more protein than I had probably eaten my entire life. I could enjoy a few treats in my day and didn’t feel like I needed to feel guilty about it.
Working with a nutrition coach and learning tools to be in control of my own nutrition truly transformed my relationship with food and my body. ✨Plus, I feel a lot better in the gym and have a healthier body image too.
I hadn’t realized until looking back through things that I have been working on my own nutrition for over 4 plus years. Working out is one part of puzzle, but nutrition helps all the pieces come together. . . In case you’re still wondering, no, I don’t eat donuts every day. On the rare occasion that I do, you better believe I enjoy every bite.