Welp Winter Break Is Over

SkylarJanuary 15, 2013

Yep my winter break will be completely over starting tomorrow. I get to drive back to school! 5 hours! Can’t wait! I’m not being sarcastic. Not at all.


I’m actually not terribly sad about leaving home and going back, but I have enjoyed my break. The main reason I’m not ready to go back is because I know my life is about to return back to it’s normal crazy busy 🙂 but I don’t mind. I have missed my Zeta sisters like crazy and can’t wait to see them again! It’ll be nice to see my boyfriend every day too.

jan 15 eh photoThis is my “I’m excited to go back, but eh not looking forward to having homework again” face.

And my “Wait, you mean I can’t hang out in my leggies, hoodie, and awesome black headband all day erryday?!’

jan 15 leggings

I love, love, love leggings!

For breakfast this morning I made peanut butter and banana oatmeal for breakfast! I like to make my oatmeal with water instead of milk (you can’t tell the difference) and then add in a spoonful of vanilla greek yogurt to get things moving. Oatmeal always keeps me pretty full until lunch time rolls around.


For my workout today I did a cardio workout from Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp. The workout was 40 minutes long and I did it on my treadmill. At first I was planning on only doing 30 minutes of the workout. Being on break has made me lose a little bit of my lung capacity (I hope that’s a correct term haha) and my body just isn’t as strong as it was when I came home in the middle of December. I stuck to it and completed the full 40 minutes and was glad I pushed myself to do it. It’s not like I was dying or about to fall off the treadmill. It was just a mental matter that I overcame 🙂

DSC01346I had a yummy chocolate peanut butter and banana protein shake afterwards. I don’t exactly have a recipe to share because I just throw some things in a blender and hope it turns out good. I’ll have to work on writing down what all I use.

Then for supper tonight my family went out to a local steakhouse just because. My sister and I split a filet, which is my favorite cut of steak to eat. It was delicious! It may be awhile before I have a good steak again. Sorry I don’t have a picture 🙁 my phone kept wanting to use flash and that made me feel awkward so I put it away.

Eventually we came home and watched What To Expect When You’re Expecting. That movie is a good form of birth control. I am far from having or even wanting to have a baby, and that movie just pushed me farther away.

I got my chocolate craving fix with some almond M&M’s. It sucks they only come in the sharing size packets, but I was nice and shared with my mom and dad.

jan 15 almond mms

That’s my creepy and excited “I love almond M&M’s” face. I was obviously having too much fun with my webcam this evening.

jan 15. normalI’ll leave you with a picture of me making a normal smile face. Well, I should probably finish packing up a few things and go to sleep, so I can head down south early in the morning! Good night!

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