Weekend in Pictures\\ Pumpkins & Horchata

SkylarSeptember 30, 2014

This weekend I went to Roswell to meet up with my mom and my best friend from high school along with her mom. It was a nice get away for me since my life has been a little more lame than it used to be. Anyways I’m going to give you some pictures from the weekend and try to keep it short and sweet. Try is the key word.

Saturday morning we were on the hunt for garage sales and junk/antique stores. We stopped at Starbucks for breakfast. I was planning to avoid pumpkin until October 1, but I caved and it was worth it. Iced coffee of course to drink.Pumpkin Bread-Iced-Coffee-9-29Then we found our way to a pumpkin patch so they could pick some pumpkins. My mom was on the hunt for white pumpkins for decorations. Due to this little activity I am in full fledged fall mode.Pumpkin-Patch-929

Then I found one of my best friends from my sorority! Excuse the orange shirt and side pony tail. I never wear orange and well supposedly you aren’t supposed to look cute when you go to garage sales. We’ve both been a little lonely so we were both so happy to see each other.Alyss-Me-929

For lunch we stopped at a local burger joint and it was delicious. I got a plain cheeseburger with fries and a cream soda because I do what I want. Burger-Roswell-929

On our way home we took a little detour to see the Bottomless Lakes. Yes it is really bottomless. I’ve lived in New Mexico my entire life, but we’ve never even stopped to look at the lakes and they’re awesome. It just shows how much I haven’t seen in the Land of Enchantment. bottomless lake1 929

Then Sunday rolled around and we went to church. Then we went to Los Cerritos for lunch before we split ways. I ordered a taco with shredded beef and 1 green enchilada with shredded beef. Both of best worlds is on my plate. That lovely mug of white creamy stuff is Horchata and it’s delicious. Enchilada-Taco-Los Cerrito

Too soon it was time for me to head back to school and our mom’s had to head back home too. I have to have a little snack whenever I’m driving and am a little tired. The Starbucks drink was almost too much sweetness for me to handle, but it helped me arrive home safely. Mocha-Hersheys Almond-929

After my little weekend getaway I’m starting the week feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. It’s energizing and affirming whenever you see people you love. I’m happy I went to good ol’ Roswell this weekend. I’ll show you some the new things I got while shopping this weekend in  a post later this week!

How was your weekend? Does being around family and/or friends rejuvenate you?

Comments (2)

  • Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    September 30, 2014 at 3:10 pm

    I wish I had a real pumpkin patch to go to! I think the experience of actually picking them out of the ground would be way too cool :). And I caved in to the pumpkin frenzy a few days after their PSL came out. Too hard to resist haha! Also, isn’t creme soda the best?! Kyle and I sometimes get it as a treat and they are so delicious! Glad you had such a great weekend 🙂

  • Cailee

    October 1, 2014 at 1:42 pm

    Looks like such a fun weekend!! I love it! …and I just ate some homemade pumpkin apple crisp last night!! SOOOO Good…and your lunch looks on point! YUM! 🙂 Glad you got to go pumpkin picking!! …and garage sale shopping on Saturday!! My mum and I used to do that!! SO FUN!

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