Weekend Happenings Vol. 1

SkylarMay 25, 2015

This past week was a little crazy. There was a lot going on with the end of school for summer and some upcoming changes in my life. So that’s why I’ve been absent and reserved in the blog world. 

happenings may 24


//I completed my first half year teaching on Friday.

//My seniors graduated on Wednesday and I didn’t know it was possible to be so proud of 17-18 year old teenagers who I’ve only known for 5 months. Teachers got to be on the floor with the students for graduation, so I was all up in the action and excitement.

//I moved out of my apartment this weekend. Ugh moving out is such a process. Later this week I may reveal some details. Maybe.

//Enjoyed some delicious Mexican food with my parents. I love a green chile breakfast burrito.

//I photographed my first family session ever. It was a blast, but kids truly are a challenge to take pictures of. 

//I’m now home at my parents’ house for the summer and couldn’t be happier. Summer on the farm begins!

Past Post

Why I Take Selfies With My DSLR

Link Love

This gallery wall. I’m in love. 

Once I walk into my CrossFit Box this is what it’s like. 

I am in awe of this family photography session. The lighting is beautiful.

On why being a little bit lost is a good thing. This is my life right now. 

Last, but by far not least thank you to all those who fight for our freedom past and present. Especially, my handsome boyfriend. 

I’m enjoying my Memorial Day by relaxing at home for the most part. This afternoon I’ll be going to do the Murph challenge at my hometown CrossFit Box. It’s going to be a little rough.

What has been happening in your life lately?

Any fun activities this weekend or for memorial day? 

Comments (6)

  • Lindsey

    May 25, 2015 at 10:51 am

    Congrats on finishing up your first half year of teaching! I’m sure those students were lucky to have you! Do you have big plans this summer? It was gorgeous here this past weekend so we spent a lot of time outdoors. Tell your boyfriend “Thank You” for his service for me!

    1. Skylar

      May 27, 2015 at 9:15 pm

      Thanks Lindsey! For the summer I’ll just be at my parents house and work for my dad who is a farmer. A few trips planned but that’s about it!

  • Jenny

    May 25, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    I used to work at kiddie kandids. It was a really fun job, and I learned a lot of really great tips for photographing children. They are quick and busy so you have to be quicker. Definitely a challenge! Glad you got to do it though.

    1. Skylar

      May 27, 2015 at 9:14 pm

      Thanks me too! I’ll have to take pictures of more kids to practice!

  • Julie Hood

    May 26, 2015 at 11:30 am

    my first batch of seniors graduate in 3 weeks–and i’m just now realizing i’m going to miss them (since some of them were especially feisty during the year). (sidenote: did i already mention that in a previous comment? i’m feeling de-ja-vu!) and summer on a farm sounds fun! what are some of your favorite past-times while out there?

    1. Skylar

      May 27, 2015 at 9:14 pm

      I completely understand about them getting feisty! They’re so ready to be done. Hmm my family loves four wheeling and riding dirt bikes so that’s one of my favorites!

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