Weekend Getaway: Ruidoso

SkylarFebruary 16, 2015

This weekend my sister and I met our parents in a nearby mountain town for a little ski getaway. When we arrived there Friday evening we went to Cafe Rio to have some pizza for dinner. We had to wait awhile since it’s a popular place, but the pizza was worth it!

Cafe Rio

Saturday morning we got up and headed up to Ski Apache for a ski day. My family loves to ski, but lately we haven’t been able to make it happen as often as we would like.

Ruidoso familyI know there is evidently no snow on the mountains in the background, but I promise there was snow in the ski area. The snow ended up being pretty good, but I don’t think I’ve ever been that hot skiing before. I didn’t even get cold which is rare for me.

Ski Apache 

I like to think I look really cool by taking this picture by this black diamond ski run sign. To be honest the blacks aren’t too difficult, so I’m really not as cool as you may be thinking. The blacks are a little steep, but they aren’t at all scary or too hard.

Ski Apache me

We skied all day for as long as we could. I think we were all a little sad that we had to turn in our skis and wouldn’t get to return the next day. However, our bodies were thankful we didn’t do day 2. I know we were all sore! 

Ruidoso hotel

Sunday we spent the day walking up and down the main street doing some shopping. The street was busy with other families and cute Valentine’s couples who were also enjoy a getaway weekend. 

Ruidoso street 

Win Place Show

Later Saturday afternoon my sister and I said goodbye to our parents and we headed our separate ways. This little weekend getaway was much needed. I had a long stressful week at school. It was refreshing to get to meet-up with my parents and get out of town.

The mountains are always one of my favorite places to go. There is something about the mountains that rejuvenate and refresh me. The whole time I was wishing I could just stay and not have to go back. However, reality soon had to be faced and we had to return. Hopefully, this summer my family will get to spend some time in the mountains riding, but for now I’m thankful for the weekend I did have. I have school off today for President’s Day, so I’m having a laid-back day planning and preparing for the week. 

How was your weekend? Did you do anything for Valentine’s?




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