wedding shower….

SkylarJune 13, 2013

I wish my bed weren’t so comfortable. I really do. If it wasn’t so soft and welcoming I would be able to get up at 6 when my alarm goes off. Instead every day this week I just hit dismiss on my alarm and wait for my 7 a.m. alarm. 

I wish I hadn’t said to be looking out for a new post the day after my last one! It seems like anytime I say I’m going to post it doesn’t happen.

I wish I could make protein pancakes that actually stayed together like an actual pancake!! Ahhh so frustrating! I haven’t had this much trouble making my protein pancakes in a long time! Maybe it’s my recipe…the pictures are evidence of my sucking skills. This was from this morning…


Just wait for it….

BAM! Look how pathetic that little pancake looks:


I wish I had more motivation to get my work done on my internship and online class. Trying to do stuff in the summer is really hard….what I have to get done is really simple, but the fact that it’s summer adds another level of difficulty. But I did write a pretty good article this week about Pinterest accounts.

Checkkkk it out:


I wish the cord to my headphones wouldn’t have gotten in the way of my picture on Monday. I also wish that the 3 mile interval run I did on Wednesday would have been easier. Once again intervals are hard, but at the same time I like ‘em.



I wish my Mom and I weren’t addicted to hazelnut iced coffee from McDonald’s. I guess if that’s our biggest addiction then we’re doing pretty good..


I wish this picture of this green monster came out better.That’s what I get for using a phone picture. I’ve been having a lot of green monsters lately and they’ve been dang good. I just use the simple ingredients too: spinach, peanut butter, little bit of milk, banana, and 5-6 ice cubes.


I wish….actually I don’t have any wishes for this picture, but Sunday we had a wedding shower for Molly (in the middle) who was my best friend in high school. My Mom decorated for them and it looked and went really well.

So I do wish Molly and her soon-to-be husband Skyler (funny his name is my name only with an “e” . It gets confusing trust me) a happy and blessed marriage. That’s a pretty lame line, but I’m not going to give a dramatic stuffy speech haha.


And lastly I wish this week wasn’t going by sooo fast! Come back!!

Actually that’s okay.

I’m excited to be reunited for some of my Zeta sisters for the weekend for a wedding!! So weekend keep on coming!

Hopefully soon I’ll get some pictures of my new buys because I’m really excited about my stuff. Anyways, what are you looking forward to this weekend?

Comments (1)

  • Aurora

    June 13, 2013 at 5:19 pm

    This is going to be the first weekend in a super long time that my sister and I are both home! So that’s what I’m looking forward too 🙂

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