Vegas!!!! #timber

SkylarDecember 20, 2013

Unless you don’t follow me on Instagram or didn’t read my last blog post you may not know that I spent the last weekend in Las Vegas with my best girlfriends. You probably got sick of seeing our timber hashtag for the trip, but hey we had to pick one hashtag to use and timber was the perfect song for it. And you know what we honestly didn’t care if people got tired of seeing our Instagram pictures. We were having the time of our lives and wanted everyone to see it.

When you think back on a trip there may be moments or experiences that you can pick out that were the best parts of the trip. When I think back on this trip I honestly can say that every single moment was fun. From the moment we loaded in the car to get our nails done before heading to Albuquerque to the moment we said our goodbyes as we all parted ways, our time was filled with obnoxious laughter, hilarious stories, and just filled with love for our friendship and time together. For the rest of my life I will cherish the memories I made on this trip with these girls and one guy. I know you’re thinking you can “cherish” a trip to Vegas? Yes, yes you can. I know that the friendships I have with the sisters I was with on this trip are now at a deeper level than ever and that’s what matters most.

Anyways let’s get to the fun stuff.

Everyone was finished with finals on Friday so Lindsey, Jaci, and me and got our nails done and then hit the road to Albuquerque. We flew out of Albuquerque at 8 a.m. on Saturday so that meant we arrived in Vegas at 8 a.m.


We put our luggage in the hotel where they held it until we could check in. We stayed at the Excalibur. Not the fanciest hotel, but definitely super cheap and that’s all we cared about. That day we spent the morning and afternoon walking down the strip and taking in that we were finally in Vegas.


We learned real fast to just ignore the people asking you where you’re going out for the night. Just to warn you the guys with cards to get into the clubs work off tips. Don’t expect to get the cards without dishing out some $$$.

In one of the hotel a girl, Michelle, came up and asked us where we were going for the night and she was a promoter for the club XS. I gave her my contact information and then throughout the day she would send texts about  what was going on for the night.


We met up with Courtney and Joey in one of the hotels and eventually made it back to our hotel to get ready for our first night out.


These next two pictures explain how we were the entire trip. Day or night.



We think we’re pretty funny.



So for this night we went to the club Tao in the Venetian hotel. Drinks were about $25 each at the bar and we couldn’t even get to the bar in the first place, so we skipped out on that part. We just danced the night away…until the dance floor got a little too packed for our liking. Like the type where you are standing chest to chest with each other because people keep pushing through from both sides. Annoying.

The best part was when foam started falling down from the ceiling and it looked like snow. Then confetti started falling down. The music was great at this club and the confetti just made it really exciting and made the club experience more real.


Whenever you got tired of dancing or just needed a breath of fresh air you could step out onto the balcony to this gorgeous view.


As you could imagine our sleeping schedule wasn’t exactly your typical schedule. We eventually made it back home to sleep and begin a new day.

Sunday Lindsey, Jaci, and I actually got up and went for a run down the strip. We woke up feeling great and decided we should so we would feel better about ourselves haha. I don’t have pictures of every meal because I’m a little embarrassed at how bad we ate. But we worked all semester for this trip so we didn’t let it bother us. After our run we got ready for the day and headed to the Wynn hotel for brunch.

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Just like everything else in Vegas the Wynn hotel is breathtaking. Everything is very elegant, sophisticated, and over the top. The brunch we went to was amazing and one of my favorite experiences. I definitely recommend doing the brunch at the Wynn if you go to Vegas. It’s a little pricey, but beyond worth it.  Bad picture, but that’s what the inside looked like.


For the brunch there was a huge buffet of almost every food you could imagine. And bottomless mimosas. We would take a few drinks of our mimosa and our waiter, Shafike (we called him Ciroc), was right there filling our glass back up.


We would go find some things to try on our plate. We’d have a few bites of everything then we’d go back for more. First round was breakfast foods. Second round sushi and shrimp. Third round prime rib. Fourth round dessert. We would eat then take a break for awhile and then go back for more.


We had to stretch out our stomachs from too much food and too many mimosas.


After brunch we walked around and did some shopping at H & M. Then headed back to the hotel to get ready. Excuse the selfie, but we did a bad job at taking pictures with each other that night.


The XS club at the Wynn was a huge place and really nice. It was another great night out. All I had to do to get us in was text our girl Michelle and she would put us on the list then we got in for free.

The next day, Monday, was our last full day in Vegas so we spent the day going to the hotels we had yet to see like the shopping at the Venetian and the water show at the Bellagio. By this day our feet were worn out from all the walking we had been doing. Take note. Whenever you go to Vegas prepare to do a ridiculous amount of walking. So for the last day we did yoga pants and tennis shoes. Best decision ever.


We caught the water show at the Bellagio. We could have watched 3 or 4 more of these shows. We were just in awe.


We ended our day out with cocktails at the Chandelier bar in the Cosmo. This bar is three stories high and is surround by long huge strands of crystals with pink lighting.


For Monday night we wanted to go to a nice dinner before we went out for the last time. The club we were going to was the Marquee in the Cosmopolitan so we found a Japanese place in the Cosmo.


I just had a California sushi roll and something with rice then lobster on top. We also had a bottle of Sake that tasted like Fresca. The prices were surprisingly reasonable. My ticket was only $20.

My girl Michelle hooked us up again to get us into the Marquee club. I just texted her about how to get into Marquee and she sent my info to one of her club promoter friends. That girl took over and got us on the list. When we got there we got wristbands for free drinks and got in for free!!

The Marquee club was amazing. Definitely our favorite one for the weekend. It was huge!!!! On the inside part of the club they were playing like techno/club music and that’s not our favorite to dance to. In the outside part that was covered they were playing hip/hop top 40 music. So that’s where we spent our time dancing. Everyone in the room however wanted to stand around and socialize. No one wanted to dance. Except us. So that’s what we did.

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The next morning we woke up and packed to fly home. We were completely exhausted and ready to be back in New Mexico. Lindsey (the girl in the blue ^) and I had yet to experience In-N-Out Burger. That’s where we went for lunch before we headed to the airport.


I had a chocolate milkshake with mine. I was really surprised at how cheap it was and it was super good! I’ll definitely go back!

Soon we were at the airport. We got there early so we hung out in the airport for awhile and our flight left late too. We just sat there and relived stories from the trip. We were laughing obnoxiously. I think everyone at our gate probably hated us.

Our plane ride home was packed and super hot. We were so happy to be back in Albuquerque and we were greeted with a beautiful New Mexico sunset. Sadly I failed as a photographer and didn’t take any pictures. Lindsey headed home and Jaci and I headed back to LC. It was officially back to reality. The best trip to Vegas had come to an end and we were ready for some sleep! Until next time Vegas.

And just for fun here’s the song Timber if you have no idea what I’m talking about. Prepare to be singing it all day.

Comments (2)

  • pickyrunner

    December 26, 2013 at 4:02 pm

    SUCH A COOL TRIP!!! If I didn’t want to go to Vegas before I do now! My mom and I were actually talking about going next fall for the rock n roll half marathon, I need an excuse to go although I’m not sure I could handle all the crazy clubbing 😉

  • Five For Friday: Spring Break & Kittens | The Blonde In Black

    January 31, 2014 at 2:30 pm

    […] my excitement. Well maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but  I cannot wait to go back to Vegas. My last trip there was one of the funnest times of my life and this one will definitely be…wild to say the […]

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