Vacation in Savannah

SkylarJuly 14, 2015

The past two weeks I’ve been missing from blog land because I was on vacation! I had flown to Savannah, GA to meet my boyfriend and his family where we spent a week on the beach. I’ve never spent more than half a day or so at a beach, so I dove head first into a real beach vacay. 

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Tybee Island was the location of our vacation. Our days basically consisted of eat, beach, sleep, repeat with a few activities thrown in. We watched the 4th of July fireworks. We ate Spanky’s chicken and had a low country boil. We walked on the beach at night. We went on a bike ride. Most of our time was spent hanging out on the beach. 

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I was surprised how lost in our little beach world that I got. Nothing else really plagued my mind. I could care less about Facebook or Instagram. I barely got my phone out to send a few SnapChats and to snap a few pics. There was so much people watching to do since it was 4th of July weekend. People came onto the beach in droves. It was crazy how busy little Tybee became.

I am very grateful for his family who fed us and housed us and gave us shade on the beach. Anyways, for my first beach vacation I count it as a success!


One afternoon my boyfriend and I went to downtown Savannah. We went on a trolley tour that told us a lot of history about the area and let us see a large amount of historic places in a short amount of time. Once we got off the trolley we walked around for a little while down River Street and then through some of the squares. 

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Around 5 a rain storm began and we ended up waiting it out in The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. That was one of the most beautiful cathedrals I have ever been in (which isn’t very many). The architecture was incredibly detailed and ornate. We ended up going to Catholic Mass while we waited for the rain to stop which was a whole other experience. Once mass was over we expected the rain to be over, but it wasn’t. We ended up walking several blocks in the rain back to our car so we could get home.

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Our time in downtown Savannah was not near enough. I loved learning the history and especially admiring all the beautiful houses and buildings. I guess I’ll just have to go back someday.

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 The last handful of days of vacation were spent in Missouri where my boyfriend lives. Unfortunately it rained every single day, so we  didn’t get to do a whole lot. Luckily, there was one clear afternoon so I brought out my camera and tried to take some cute pictures of us. Based on the former beach picture our favorite thing to do is stand and smile at each other, but hey we look cute.

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I’m so happy that I got to spend almost two weeks with my boyfriend. Long distance is hard and I hate it (and this should be a whole other blog post), but it really makes you value the time you have together. But with someone like him it’s definitely worth it. So to all you little punks who get to see your significant other daily or more than once every 3 months be grateful for their presence. 

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So now my two week vacation is over and I’m getting back to normal, real life. That means back to being a farmer for me. 

Also, in other news I’m doing a rebranding of my blog. I’m not sure how often I’ll be blogging this week and next, but my goal is to have it redesigned by next week. So get excited about my new blog look and don’t be surprised if you visit back someday and things look completely different. Have a great day!

Have you been on vacation anywhere this summer? Are you planning one?

Have you been to Savannah before?


Comments (9)

  • Nina @ Flowers in my Hair

    July 14, 2015 at 9:30 am

    So beautiful!

  • karla @ finding my fit

    July 14, 2015 at 12:30 pm

    Looks like an amazing vacation was had! I’m currently ‘seeing’ someone and now I’m moving to MS. It’ll be interesting to see how things transpire-if we attempt the distance or if we call it quits. If we do try 900miles of distance, I may pick your brain 🙂

    1. Skylar

      July 15, 2015 at 7:06 am

      Yes if y’all decide to try the long distance thing don’t hesitate to e-mail me or something! I could talk about it for days haha.

  • Jenny

    July 14, 2015 at 3:08 pm

    So pretty!

    That’s one reason I love vacations. I don’t ever care so much what happens on social media while I’m on vacation and my phone is hardly used. Such a nice break.

    Glad you had a good break.

    1. Skylar

      July 15, 2015 at 7:06 am

      Thanks! I didn’t realize how nice it would really be to not be checking social media all the time!

  • Emma @EverEmma

    July 16, 2015 at 9:01 am

    Savannah is definitely on my list to visit! It looks so picturesque and I’m completely in love with the big trees that are lining the sidewalk in the picture above. One of these days! I’m glad you had a great vacation! I think it’s actually really important to take some time away from the rush of social media every so often. Life seems to become much simpler.

  • Julie Hood

    July 16, 2015 at 6:29 pm

    you two are SO CUTE! i love your looking-up-to-him thing. and long distance SUCKKKKSSSS–my husband and i did it while i was away at college. and savannah looks so fun! i’m so happy you got a legit beach vacay!! 🙂 i’ve mostly just done day trips from philly to the jersey shore (which i think is the only reason pennsylvanians can tolerate jersey 😉 so staying over (and on an ISLAND?!) would be even more fun!!!

  • Micah

    July 19, 2015 at 1:31 pm

    Shoot, now I have to add Savannah to my ever expanding bucket list. Gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing!

    1. Skylar

      July 30, 2015 at 8:33 am

      Savannah is gorgeous! I have to make a trip back there someday because I didn’t see enough!

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