Understanding the Netflix Binge

SkylarNovember 17, 2014

I had never really understood where people found the time or desire to spend hours watching Netflix. This act is commonly known as a “Netflix Binge.”

Throughout college I didn’t even have time to watch TV. Honestly I didn’t. I always had homework to be doing or sleep to be catching up on or girlfriends to go out with. Whenever I did have any down time it was likely spent trying to keep up with my blog or reading other blogs.

This semester I’ve had so much more time on my hands than I ever have before. I’m getting my work done and my blogging done and now have time for other festivities. That extra time has allowed me to come to understand what it is like to “Netflix Binge.”

Normally, I’ll watch an episode of one of my shows before bed if I happen to have everything else prepared for the next day. This weekend was a whole other story. Once I started watching Mad Men on Friday night I just couldn’t stop. Can’t stop won’t stop.

First, to Netflix binge you need to have one or two or a handful of shows that you are into. For me those shows are Mad Men and Orange is the New Black. Mad Men has been a long time favorite of mine. Orange is the New Black is my most recent obsession and…well it’s not the most family friendly show to watch. Seriously don’t watch with children.

Next, you need to have a desire to be lame and lazy. Some people could interpret that to meaning that I have no friends or social life, but that’s not true. Sometimes it’s just nice to stay in.

During Netflix binges it is necessary to indulge in a sweet snack like a few chocolate chip cookies.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Netflix

Also as important as food is comfort. Blankets. Sweat pants. Hoodies with the hood on. Big pillow. Comfy couch. Those are all keys to being comfortable during a Netflix binge.

Netflix Attire 11-17

Saturday the Netflix binge continued after I cried while baking pumpkin bread while watching The Fault in Our Stars. I had enough of crying so I went back into the tough, business world of Mad Men.

Pumpkin Bread 11-17

I had a huge realization during my Netflix binge on Saturday. I could watch my shows while being productive! So Saturday evening I sat writing a freelance article and working on a few blog things while watching my Mad Men show. Perfection.

My night was made even better with the addition of a pepperoni pizza with green chile.

Netflix Pizza 11-17

It was around 11-ish when I started getting tired. I was thinking hmm I should just go to bed. I looked to see how many episodes I had left. Only 2!

I couldn’t stop. I pushed through and finished the last season on Netflix of Man Men. And now I’m having withdrawals and wondering how I’m going to make it until March of 2015 before the first half of the final season is added. It’s going to be rough.

The thing about immersing yourself into a Netflix binge is you get caught up in the story being told in the show. I find myself getting so frustrated with Don Draper when he starts cheating on his wife again. I get incredibly annoyed with Pete Campbell and his uppity rudeness that I’d love to sock him in the face. I want to grab Betty by the shoulders and tell her to not be so hateful to her daughter.  I want Peggy to find a man who loves her and her alone.

Eventually I realize I am not living in 1969 Manhattan. I have to remind myself that my boyfriend is not like Donald Draper and is not cheating on me. I remember that smoking cigarettes is not cool anymore and that I cannot have casual drinks at work to help me come up with an ad. I have to stop coming up with advertisement ideas for margarine.

I understand why people Netflix binge. You get to escape from your world for a short time. You find yourself in the shoes of someone else. Maybe their life is better than the one you have. Or maybe it’s worse and makes you thankful for where you are. It’s fun and interesting to see how other people live and what other peoples’ lives might look like.

At the end of the day (or should I say episode), I’m happy to turn it off and return back to my life. Thank goodness I do not live in Manhattan. Or work at an ad agency. Or am married to an ad man.

Do you watch shows on Netflix? Does it ever turn into a binge?

Comments (7)

  • Kendel

    November 17, 2014 at 5:32 pm

    Oh my gosh, I shouldn’t have had time for TV binges, but I did. All the time. I don’t have Netflix but I do have a habit of watching allllll of my favourite shows online. It always, always, always turns into a binge when I’m in the middle of mid-terms. Guaranteed. Haha. I am a bad student.

    Oh, and all those essentials are totally necessary. Agreed. The only thing that could make that better was an unlimited (and free) supply of Starbucks or other amazing coffee type drink 😀

  • Kels @ Blonder Side

    November 17, 2014 at 5:53 pm

    Hahah yup to all those necessities lol I didn’t start Netflix binging until after college but mostly b/c I didn’t have Netflix so I occupied my time with actual ppl instead of my pretend friends on tv…oh how the times have changed lol

  • Kay @ Kay Bueno

    November 17, 2014 at 6:06 pm

    I’ve done a few binges. I think they’re a total necessary evil after having a bunch of busy weekends. Nothing (to me) says I take time for myself like a good series binge and relaxing. But I also love netflix in the background of working. Weird documentaries take the quiet edge off of writing.

    Love the comfort food you had. I figure, as long as you get out of a binge, you’re good. 🙂

  • Shelly

    November 17, 2014 at 7:21 pm

    Haha, glad I’m not the only one. I first started to binge with Breaking Bad, then we watched Weeds. Most recently I crushed Game of Thrones and am now in full withdrawals until the new season comes out. Waiting is the worst.

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    November 17, 2014 at 8:18 pm

    I’m glad you understand! Netflix is great on those dreary days when you don’t want to do anything. It’s somehow comforting. Luckily for my school work though, I’m not in the middle of any crazy exciting shows right now!

  • Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating

    November 18, 2014 at 3:40 am

    I, too, am a newbie to these Netflix binges! My boyfriend has had Netflix for a couple of years now but I finally got my first try at using it for myself (with my own account) a couple of months ago. I’m HOOKED. Orange is the New Black was definitely binge watched and now I can’t wait until the next season! Other shows I’ve already gone through are New Girl, My Strange Addiction, Bridalplasty, Scandal, and I’m currently watching Don’t trust the B in Apt. 23.

  • Lindsey

    November 20, 2014 at 2:13 am

    Haha I can totally relate to this post. Marathons completely suck you in. I spent a whole weekend watching 24 episodes once! Now I try not to start a new show because I know I will get obsessed. I completely agree with the cookies, blanket, and sweat pants necessity!!

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