To Be Used For Beauty

SkylarSeptember 8, 2014

Take these hands.

I know they’re empty,

but with you I can

be used for beauty

in your perfect plan

for all I am is yours.

    As we sung the lyrics to this song during worship at church on Sunday I felt them resonate deeply inside me. My blog and its purpose and potential direction has been weighing heavily on my mind lately. Yesterday in church was the first strong direction I’ve felt in awhile.


You see I’ve always loved to write. I’ve always wanted to be a writer and I still do to this day. I’ve begun to realize that my desire and passion to write and blog isn’t just some lame hobby that I like to spend my free time doing. My passion and desire to write is a God-given gift and ability.

That being said I want to preface this by saying that no matter what you believe, where you go to church, if you don’t go to church, or if you don’t believe in anything my blog is an open space for anyone to come and go as they please. Please continue reading.

But yesterday gave me more push and confidence that proceeding with building my blog is right for me.

You see we live in a broken, sinful, corrupted world. A world that is lost and looking for hope.

And I’m a girl who knows where people can find hope. For me it’s through God and his promises and my relationship with him.

The speaker was saying yesterday how we need to pass our knowledge of God down to the next generation, but all I could think about was what about my generation?

What about this generation of young people who are so desperately searching for purpose and direction in their lives. This generation who does not yet have kids to share this stuff with yet.

For now this is the generation that I feel I can be used for. Why would God want to use me? I don’t know that’s a great question.

I can tell you that I’m not a perfect person and that so many people are looking for someone who isn’t a perfect person to show them that you don’t have to be perfect to be a “Christian.”

Because I’m someone who doesn’t always have the nicest thoughts. I’m someone who enjoys having a margarita on the weekends. I’m someone who lost my first kiss to a boy a long time ago. I’m someone who loves to hear the beat drop in the club while attempting to dance. I’m someone who cusses while working out because it sucks. I’m someone who isn’t always happy with the body God gave me. I’m someone who doesn’t have perfect relationships. Someone who has known times of darkness. Times of pure confusion. And is another typical 20 something year old on the edge of graduation who has no idea what she’s doing with her life.

I’m someone whose relationship with Christ isn’t always strong and if I were to be honest is more weak than strong. Some days/weeks/months my mind is set on him. Other times my life has looked as if I’ve forgotten everything I ever learned. I know that I have a passion and desire to pursue Christ and make him a bigger and more important part of my life. Like he deserves and desires to be. I can share that journey and what I’m learning and struggling with in this space.

God didn’t place me in this blog world for it to just be a creative outlet for me where I share my love for chocolate cake and working out. He has given me this space to serve as a source of light and a source of encouragement and a source of His love.

And hopefully my life and my blog will be used for beauty in his perfect plan.

I got a little deep today I know, but I just had to write this. Have a marvelous Monday everyone! See you later this week!

I don’t know what to ask, so tell me your thoughts!

Comments (6)

  • Sarah

    September 8, 2014 at 2:10 pm

    This post is beautiful. I’m not a super religious person by any means and don’t go to church nearly often enough but I still loved reading this. Thanks for sharing this on a Monday morning!

  • Starbuckfarm

    September 8, 2014 at 3:58 pm

    Perfectly beautiful words from a perfectly knitted together, redeemed, set a part, forgiven, gifted, daughter of the King!!! I love you!!!

  • Braeden

    September 8, 2014 at 5:28 pm

    Love this post Skylar!! I know you are such an inspiration to so many people, and the light of the Lord definitely shines through you!!

  • Kat

    September 9, 2014 at 1:26 pm

    This is the most honest and beautiful post I have read in a while. It is true that our generation doesn’t have the same hope we do, because they don’t see Christ like we do. They are lost, simply put, and we are not. We have a hope in a future that they have yet discovered.
    I encourage you to use this space as your avenue to share Christ with others. I don’t share much on my blog either, but it is something that has truly been on my heart lately.
    Great post girl <3

  • Britney @ Peaches and Pedicures

    September 10, 2014 at 1:29 pm

    I love reading posts from fellow Christians, and I love it even more when I see we have similar struggles and thoughts. I went to a new church last Sunday and felt the songs’ lyrics tugging on my heart…Thanks for sharing! I hope you’re having a great week!

  • Oh hey, Friday! – Blonde Freedom

    September 12, 2014 at 1:20 pm

    […] today called Oh hey, Friday! First of all, I wanted to say thanks for the positive feedback from my To Be Used For Beauty post on Monday. Now let’s get to […]

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