Thursday Thoughts 1

SkylarMarch 28, 2013

Today is my first Thursday Thoughts post! Hopefully I have some provoking thoughts to share with you today. We’ll see how it goes…

1) I really want to change the design of my blog. I want to spice it up a little. Add some splashes of color. Make my font look better for this type of text. I want a new header. I just really want my blog to look a little more professional and more fetching! I’m thinking it will just be easier to pay someone to do it haha here’s an example one that I like. It’s simple, but still looks awesome to me. I think I’ll push this back to be one of my summer projects.

2) This is just a picture I came across on Tumblr that is good to keep in mind. I know on here that I am repetitious with some of my words. I’m going to use at least 5 words from this list in my post italics.


3. NCAA March Madness anyone?! My bracket ended up not working, except Kansas who I have winning the tournament so hopefully they make it. I think it’s impossible to have a flawless bracket. I really don’t watch college basketball until March Madness comes around and I still haven’t watched many games this year. What a shame. What a shame.

4) Here I am home on Spring Break and I have been craving oatmeal in the mornings. I was dreaming of protein pancakes every morning this week, but it seems like my stomach is just wanting oatmeal. Which I do make a pretty scrumptious bowl of oatmeal if I do say so myself.


5) Some days you just have to drink a Dr. Pepper. Today, I spent the morning working with my Dad moving panels and pulling up fence posts (perks of being a farmer’s daughter). After I got all my fence posts pulled up and unloaded I saw my Papa J was at his barn so I pulled up there and talked to him for awhile. He offered me a coke and I grabbed a Dr. Pepper for old times sake. We just sat on the tail gate of his pickup and talked for awhile. I don’t drink cokes, but I figured one wouldn’t hurt.

Then he sent me over to see Grandma Katy and we just sat on the front porch for awhile catching up and of course she fed me too much Easter candy. It was chocolate and I didn’t have the audacity to say no.  Later, Grandma Katy and I went over to the barn and just sat and talked more with my Grandpa, Dad, and Uncle.

Some days you are thankful for the little things like drinking a Dr. Pepper with your Grandpa on his tailgate, sittin on the front porch with your Grandma, and talking in the barn while the day comes to an end.


6) This afternoon after all the talking was done I decided to go for a quick run. I started out with just wanting to run 1 mile, that turned into 2 and before I knew it I was going for 3. I think today was definitely one of my faster 5k times. It was just one of those days were you feel like you are flying down the road and aren’t even tired.

And for here are a few links. One to my latest College Lifestyles article:

This one is for my latest Documentary Photography project:


Well I’m going to skedaddle to the couch to watch some basketball!!

Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    March 28, 2013 at 10:16 pm

    I like the looks of simple blogs too. I’m sure whatever you do with yours, it will reflect you. Time with grandparents is the best. Really, the best. Cherish every moment with them. I live for the summer days when I am at our beach house for dinner.

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