Thoughts on Graduation

SkylarDecember 11, 2014

I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud to share my thoughts during graduation. For the last time I’ll say that I’m graduating on Saturday!!! I have a ceremony with the college of education on Friday and my parents come into town tonight. So ready or not graduation weekend is about to begin.

So first to commemorate my long 41/2 years here at NMSU, I’m going to throw it way back to freshman year Halloween for a picture. I was Ke$ha.


Here’s what I’ve been thinking about graduation:

1//You’re sure I actually get to graduate? Soooo there’s no classes I somehow missed or holds on my account?

2//Crap. Okay this really is happening.

3//I’m not sure if I’m really reading to graduate.

4//Wait…what do I call myself now. I’m no longer a “college student.” Maybe I should go with “adult”?

5//But I don’t really feel like a grown up. I mean I’m only 22. That sounds like I should still be in college.

6//Can I just go back? Maybe turn my journalism minor into a degree?

7//On a second thought I’m really ready to be a living, working independent person with my own cash money $$$.

8// This graduation gown is obnoxious. This thing makes me look pregnant. (I’m not. Don’t panic.)

9//But my graduation outfit is so cute! Why can’t I just walk across the stage in that?

10//How is this hat supposed to stay on my head?? I’ll just have my Mom bobby pin the heck out of it.

11//Am I going to regret not decorating my graduation hat? Nah, I don’t want to stand out that much.

12//You mean I have to walk down a steep tunnel in my heels in a flowy gown made for a pregnant person without making a fool out of myself. Great.

13//Seriously how am I going to keep myself entertained for two long hours as I wait for my turn? Snapchat? Insta? Twitter?

14//You know what would make this thing more enjoyable? If they passed out free celebration drinks….alcoholic of course.

15//Or puppies. Puppies would be more family friendly. They should definitely pass out puppies.

16//Alright here we go my row is up. I’m gonna have 5 seconds of fame up there on that stage. I better look good for it.

17//Okay so I go up there and shake his hand. Do I give a hug? How long do I pose for a picture?

18//What if I fall on stage? Oh my gosh that would be so embarrassing. Keep it together.

19//Here I go. Fake it til ya make it.

20//Yesssss. I’ve worked 41/2 years for this thing. I deserve it.

21//I got this piece of paper in my hand so what’s next. Wait…I have to take more pictures. But it’s not like I’m going to buy them.

22//Back to my seat. How am I supposed to find it???

23//I bet my family hates me right now. Who would want to sit for hours for me to have my name called and be on stage for 5 seconds. I even hate me right now.

24//I am so freakin hungryyyyyyy.

25//I wonder if my Mom will be okay with skipping pictures and heading straight towards the restaurant.

26//HaHa yeah right. That’s a joke. We’ll be the last ones to leave graduation just like we’re always the last ones to leave church.

27//Do I really have to toss my hat into the air? I’m gonna have to take out 50 bobby pins before I can even get it off my head. Nevermind. I’ll just act like I did because I throw my hands up in the air sometimes.

28//Whoa. It’s over. So I’m really a college graduate now.

29// Okay. I’m over it. Let’s go eat some CAKE!!

I’ll be back next week for a post-graduation/what’s next post! Have a great weekend everyone!!

What are your thoughts on graduation? What are your weekend plans?

Comments (14)

  • Chris

    December 11, 2014 at 4:01 pm

    Woohoo, you made it trough the crucible of school!! Haha. Enjoy this time! Being an “adult” sometimes isn’t all that fun! Oh and of course, congratulations!

    1. Skylar

      December 11, 2014 at 4:20 pm

      Nice use of the word crucible! Haha. Thanks Chris!

  • Kay @ Kay Bueno

    December 11, 2014 at 4:48 pm

    Congratulations on graduation.

    I definitely felt a lot of “Wait, we’re doing another photo? Were the last 47 not good enough?” when graduating.

    1. Skylar

      December 11, 2014 at 6:11 pm

      Haha I’m not looking forward to that part!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    December 11, 2014 at 5:03 pm

    Congratulations! I’m already freaking out that I’m graduating next year!

    1. Skylar

      December 11, 2014 at 6:11 pm

      Thanks! It’ll sneak up on you fast!

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    December 11, 2014 at 5:23 pm

    Congrats on graduating, girl! I remember sharing a lot of those same thoughts when I was going through mine, especially when it came to not feeling nearly grown up enough to be out of school and not knowing what the heck I was going to do with my time if I wasn’t in classes or studying. This is probably why I kept taking courses years and years after I finished 😆

    1. Skylar

      December 11, 2014 at 6:12 pm

      Thanks Amanda! I’m glad to know I’m not the only who has thought that!

  • carrie

    December 11, 2014 at 6:58 pm

    i remember having some of these exact same thoughts when i graduated this past may. it was like i had waited forever to be done with college and i never thought it would end and then it did, and i was like..wait..what now? lol you’ll land on your feet and everything will work out. it always does. promise 🙂

    1. Skylar

      December 11, 2014 at 7:24 pm

      Thanks for the encouraging words Carrie! I needed to hear them 🙂

  • Miss Polkadot

    December 11, 2014 at 10:09 pm

    First off: Congratulations, Skylar!
    And then: I can partly relate and partly not. Confusing? Well, I sadly can’t relate to the excitement of a huge graduation ceremony, wearing a special gown or any of these parts of it. Our graduation was -very- low-key. Essentially, we heard a few speeches, there was a keyboarder/singer [amazingly talented!] and we got handed our diplomas. Just like that. Only a handful of families attended.
    What I can relate to SO well is that – dare I say: lost feeling. Who am I now? Where am I going? Even now, a good year after graduating – with a BA in journalism, actually [re; your #6 on the list] – I’m not entirely sure. I figure it’s that typical feeling of us 20-somethings. Things will work out … eventually.

    1. Skylar

      December 11, 2014 at 11:18 pm

      Thank you! And thank you for the words of encouragement 🙂

  • Cailee

    December 15, 2014 at 8:35 pm

    Ahhh!! I Love number 9 and 10!! They’re so funny and so true! I remember graduating from high school with a cute little eyelet white dress and feeling like I was covered in a massive sheet (ie. my “gown”…but let’s be real, that is NOT a gown! haha…) And the hat issue is all too real! Hhaha, congrats girl!! 🙂

  • Sarah @ Sweet Miles

    December 16, 2014 at 3:55 pm

    Congrats on graduation!!! I was at my college just this past weekend and it happened to be Dec. Graduation, and I couldn’t help but almost cry at the fact that it was that weekend FOUR YEARS AGO that I graduated myself!! Time goes by super fast, and before you know it you’ve been out of school just as long as you were IN school. I would kill to go back, that time of your life is so amazing, and you don’t realize how much you’ll miss it until you’re gone!

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