Thinking Out Loud: Rest & Airports

SkylarJuly 31, 2014

Oh hey everyone! I’ve been missing from the blog world for the past week and it’s truly been a nice break. So let’s try to catch up by linking up with Thinking Out Loud!


  • Coffee and kitties are my favorite way to start my morning!photo(153)
  • In just a few hours I go into the dentist office and get my wisdom teeth taken out. I’m not excited about it, but I know I need to stop putting it off. Bring on the chipmunk cheeks!
  • While I’ve been away I was able to truly rest. I think my body needed and enjoyed a break from Crossfit. It was also refreshing for my mind to get away to a new place and not have the stress and worries that fill my mind while at home. And it’s always nice to spend time with people who fill you with happiness.Jul 31 rest week
  • Airports are one of the most fascinating places to me. I absolutely love being in the airport. I love looking at all the people. Where are they going? What are they doing? Who are they? You see the true colors of people when they are dealing with delays and cancelled flights. After a evening filled with delays I was thankful to finally get home.jul 31 rain airport
  • A rainy day afternoon/night in the airport made me crave warm, savory foods. I had a cappuccino from Starbucks with a cinnamon chip scone. I forget how good cappuccinos are. I was also so thankful that I had chosen to wear skinny jeans and bring a hoodie since I was sitting in a cold place for a long time!Jul 31 Starbucks
  • Yesterday was my last Crossfit workout at the box I’ve been going to all summer. Next week I’ll return to school and will be trying out a new box once my wisdom teeth heal up. Yesterday’s workout was fun and I really enjoyed it. For 20 minutes we worked on gymnastics moves that we wanted to improve on. Many of us worked on handstands and it was a lot of fun. I definitely improved and got more okay with getting up on the wall. The WOD: 3 rounds of 3 min: 500 meter row then wall balls until time ran out. My quads were so tired!Jul 31 crossfit
  • It’s always nice to catch up with you old friends from home. It’s neat how we can be at completely different stages of our lives, but still can talk about anything.
  • I know I’ve been saying I’m moving to a new blog and I promise it’s happening soon. The design is almost done and I’m thinking by next week it’ll be complete! Eeeek! I cannot wait!
  • I can’t believe my summer is basically over. All of a sudden last week was my last time working with my Dad since I’ll be out of commission this weekend due to my wisdom teeth. But I’m ready to get my final semester of school started. Jul 31 sprinkler and dad

That’s all for today!

Tell me your thoughts!

Comments (4)

  • jessielovestorun

    July 31, 2014 at 9:14 am

    Welcome back, darling! I’m with you on airports. What’s your favorite? For me it’s probably London. So much to do and such a wide variety of nationalities. Your starbucks choices on a rainy day sound like something I’d order. I may of gone with a nice warm sub though 🙂

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    July 31, 2014 at 10:14 am

    Cappuccinos are definitely the ultimate comfort. One of my favourite things to get from Starbucks when I need a little something more than plain black coffee. And I can’t even handle how cute your kittens are! Stop taunting me with them unless you plan on giving me one 😛

    Good luck with your wisdom teeth today, lovely! I’m sure it’ll go over just fine 🙂

  • Little Misadventures

    July 31, 2014 at 11:55 pm

    Ooooh, I’m right there with ya on the airport love! I love to people watch when I’m there. I always make up crazy stories for everyone. Also, kittens + any coffee = a beautiful combination. That kitty is too cute! I waaaant one. Good luck with your teeth today, and with the blog move later on! Can’t wait to see how that turns out! 🙂

  • caileejoy

    August 4, 2014 at 1:11 pm

    Glad you had fun at the airport! That little kitty is soooo cute!! …and I hear ya on coffee love!! YUM!!

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