Thinking Out Loud: October

SkylarOctober 15, 2015

Hello everyone! It’s been a longgg time since I’ve linked up for Thinking Out Loud with Running with Spoons, so I’m glad to be back in the loop. Let’s get to it!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset1. This week marks the halfway point of my first semester of graduate school. I can’t believe this semester is already half way done with. It’s an exciting, but terribly scary thought. Midterms are hitting the next couple weeks and I’m stressin’. That means finals are also around the corner and that’s a whole other round of stressin’ that I can’t even think about. 

2. One of my best friends came to visit this past weekend and girl time with her was much needed. We went to a Texas Tech football game to cheer on the Red Raiders. We ate a lot of good food (pizza & burgers), attempted to shop and mostly enjoyed catching up.Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

3. My friend and I did was go see “The Martian” movie. It was fascinating and I suprisingly loved it! If you’re looking to go to the movies this weekend consider going to see it.

4. I crossed off picking out pumpkins on my “basic white girl” fall bucket list. Mostly due to $$$ and space, I ended up with two little pumpkins. One for outside my front door and the other to add a touch of fall to my living room. It’s ridiculous how happy and excited we got over pumpkin picking. Pumpkins are just so adorable.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

5. When is it finally going to cool off and stay cool?! It’s been in the upper 80s this week here which feels nice, but I’m ready for some chilly air. I’m probably going to regret saying this by next week. 

6. All pumpkin everything? How about no. No Pumpkin Spice Lattes. No pumpkin spice oreo cookies. No pumpkin spice flavored…gum(i hope that’s not a thing). No pumpkin spiced anything has entered my mouth or house. I’m not feeling it with this warmish weather. Hopefully, I will be soon, but I don’t get to crazy with the pumpkin flavored stuff anyway.

7. This week at my CrossFit box must be a de-load week. We’ve been taking it easy on doing any heavy strength stuff. However, we did a workout involving 150 wall balls with a 15lb ball paired with kettle bell swings and I have been super sore the last couple days. I did some yoga yesterday to try to stretch it out and walking, but the struggle is still real. 

That’s all I have to share for today! This week has honestly been slow and not very exciting, so I don’t have much to share. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday and thanks for reading this mundane post!

Tell me your thoughts today…

Comments (7)

  • Kaelene @ Unlocking Kiki

    October 15, 2015 at 5:36 am

    I loved the Martian as well, such a good movie! I am with you, pumpkin spice lattes, not a fan.

  • Kels @Blonder Side

    October 15, 2015 at 5:43 am

    I’ve had pumpkin spice but have yet to go pumpkin picking….Actually, I’m not entirely sure I even will because of the same reasons you picked small ones. $$$ and space lol

  • Anna | SheisJoyful

    October 15, 2015 at 6:17 am

    I’m not a huge pumpkin flavor lover either! It’s alright to me I guess. But they are cute for sure!

  • Jenny

    October 15, 2015 at 9:37 am

    I’m with you on the pumpkin flavor. Most pumpkin anything I hate. I do like my aunts pumpkin cookies. And sometimes pumpkin bread. But nothing else.

  • Beth

    October 15, 2015 at 9:38 am

    I’ve been reluctant to even pick out pumpkins due to the heat down here in South FL. My fiancee is convinced they’ll just bake in the sun, haha! But I DID sneak a few pumps of pumpkin syrup into my Starbucks ICED coffee this morning. 🙂

  • carrie

    October 15, 2015 at 12:22 pm

    just saw the martian last night! loved the movie, the book was great too! i thought matt damon was a perfect mark watney.

  • Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)

    October 16, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    I’m so glad you enjoyed the Martian! I finished the book last week. My roommate and I are talking about making a roommate date out of it!
    Also, sometimes it really is those high-rep, low-weight workouts that can kill you!
    Sounds like a good week, though!

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