Thinking Out Loud: First Things First

SkylarJuly 3, 2014

Herrrooo! Today is Thursday so that means it’s time for Thinking Out Loud with Running With Spoons!

  • First things first I’m the realest
  • Drop this and let the whole world feel it
  • Okay I’ll stop trying to rap like Iggy Azalea. Moving on…
  • I love that there’s a coffee shop in my small hometown that uses almond milk! So I had an almond milk latte yesterday and it was delicious!photo(150)
  • My Mom and I didn’t end up eating lunch yesterday for some wacko reason. So at this place I got my latte I grabbed a bag of Hail Merry macaroons. I’ve seen pictures of these in the blog world before so when I saw them I knew I wanted to try them. I love coconut so these were the perfect sized snack for
  • Annddd like I mentioned in yesterday’s WIAW  post, we don’t have many groceries at home. I was crazing some fruit so I got a little container of fruit too and it was very
  • My strength has been increasing at CrossFit and that’s really exciting to me. Pull-ups are a prime example. I can almost do a kipping up without any assistance, but for actual workouts I’m still using bands. I moved down to a smaller band on Tuesday. It’s neat seeing how in such a small amount of time your body can get stronger and better at movements. And I think clean and jerks are my favorite movement with the bar.  photo
  • I can hear my Mom talking to the kitties outside. It’s funny how we’ve come to love those adorable balls of fluff. All along I thought I was a dog person. This is a picture of my black kitty. We call him Bear. Take note of the kitty flashing by in the background.DSC_0348
  • I bought decorations with my birthday money yesterday at Hobby Lobby and got each thing for 50% off. After I had bought my stuff I was thinking “What’s happening to me?!” I’ve never been the type of person to be out on the prowl for decorations, but now I know what type of style I like and want so I’m taking steps to make that happen. I guess that’s what happens when you’re becoming a real adult. Much thanks is due to Pinterest that has helped inspire me, like this picture right here.
  • Today I’m leaving for 4th of July shenanigans and I should probably be in the shower right now. I’m going with some of my best friends from high school to a ranch rodeo. I’ll definitely have pictures and a post to explain what that is since most people probably don’t know. It’s a fun time I’ll tell you that much. DSC_0351
  • Let’s get some encouraging words up in here before I depart…

I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July!!

Tell me your thoughts and plans for the 4th!


Comments (4)

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    July 3, 2014 at 8:47 am

    Oooo thanks for reminding me that I have a small bag of those Hail Merry snacks in my pantry, just waiting to be eaten. And congrats on the strength gains! Feeling stronger and/or faster is sersiouly one of the best things. Makes all the pain worth it 😆

  • jessielovestorun

    July 3, 2014 at 9:08 am

    I’ve seen those Hail Merry snacks all over the blog world, and literally get jealous when I see someone else mention them as I haven’t been able to find them myself. Enjoy some for me will ya?

    A rodeo? What an awesome way to celebrate the holiday. It actually makes me think of the newest episodes of Real Housewives of NYC. Haha!

  • Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    July 3, 2014 at 9:38 am

    Hahah your intro. I was sitting in the car with Kyle the other day and absentmindedly set “first things first…” and trailed off. He burst in with “I’M THE REALEST” and I found it a little too funny for some reason hahah. And oh my gosh. Those kittens are way too cute! Send me one please ;).

  • Aurora

    July 5, 2014 at 7:14 pm

    I am so jealous of all your kitties! They are adorable! Congrats on the pull ups-I was getting close to being able to do them (I can’t do them consistently but I’ve done it once or twice) but I’m scared I’m going to lose that strength because it’s been a while since I’ve done them!

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