Thinking Out Loud #3

SkylarMay 15, 2014

I’m linking up Running With Spoons for today’s Thinking Out Loud post.

This is my last day of work for the university, so I’m pretty pumped about that! The woman I work under took me out to lunch at an Italian restaurant and of course we had to grab some ice cream for dessert. Caliches is a local favorite and definitely has amazing ice cream. I got a Straw-anna which is vanilla ice cream, strawberries, and bananas. Needless to say this afternoon will be a struggle between taking a nap and staying awake.


In personal celebration for my last week I went by my favorite local coffee shop to get one of these babies. A whole wheat bagel with peanut butter. These monster bagels are delicious and just half of one fills me up.


Did graduation really happen a week ago?! Going to graduation made me excited about getting to graduate in December. I’m ready for it. And I decided I am going to decorate my graduation cap. There were a lot of people (girls I’m guessing) who decorated their hats and they stood out from the rest of the crowd.


Denim on denim. Fashion fail? Or is it okay? Lighter denim shirt with dark denim skinnies. I thought it worked.


You cannot pass up a good green chile cheeseburger and fries. For lunch on Wednesday the boss took a handful us out for lunch and I sure took advantage of a free meal, but once again the afternoon was rough with being so full.


I saw “The Neighbors” last night and it was pretty good. It wasn’t what I expected. I can’t even put into words what I expected. The only thing is it bothers me how movies like this make marriage and having kids appear like the worst thing you could ever do and that your life is over after that point. They did kind of make up for that vibe at the end of the movie, but still. No wonder our generation freaks out about the idea of “gettin hitched.”

Ooh but of course I enjoyed watching Zac Efron. His body is pretty hot I guess…actually it is. No guessing about it.

I’ve enjoyed going to the gym this week with not as many people as during the school year. Monday I did an arm workout and Wednesday I did legs.


As for the rest of my afternoon, I’ll hopefully go to the gym after work and see where the evening takes me. I’m going home for the summer on Saturday, so next time you visit I’ll be blogging from home!! Enjoy the rest of your Thursday everyone!!

Do you go out for lunch at work? What’s a good movie that you’ve seen lately?

Comments (3)

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    May 15, 2014 at 4:45 pm

    You know what’s sad? I can’t even remember the last movie I saw in theatres. I think maybe it was Frozen? So yeah… it’s been a while! And why is everyone tempting me with ice cream and fries today?! Gah! Clearly I need to put that on the menu for this weekend.

  • Christine

    May 16, 2014 at 9:30 am

    Ohhh yum to that ice cream. I usually lose the battle against that mid-afternoon nap slump after eating good food. My body needs to rest after all that hard work it’s doing to digest it all ;).


    Definitely my celebrity crush and Kyle has bit of an uncanny resemblance to him. Hmm… now that’s suspicious haha. His all-American boy looks make me swoon haha. I haven’t seen that movies, but it’s definitely on my list now!

    Have a great Friday 🙂

  • ilikekitties

    May 17, 2014 at 9:28 am

    No shame in having a good burger and fries every once in a while! Annnnd I don’t go to the movies these days 🙁 there’s just never any time! But I have gotten really into Call the Midwife (a BBC show). It’s pretty good!

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