Thinking Out Loud// Fall Break Begins

SkylarOctober 9, 2014

Whoa I can’t believe it’s been a week since I last posted! The weekend was busy hanging out with my girlfriends and this week at school has been a whirlwind. To catch up a bit I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud.


1// Yesterday I got an airplane and headed east for fall break!!! Where am I? That’s for me to know and you to probably not find out. I’ll give you a hint though. This is a picture of Chicago…oooh the suspense is building. No, I’m not spending my fall break in Chicago, but it’s now a place I would love to spend more time in one day rather than being stuck in the airport. Chicago 10-9


2// Teacher life has been great. On Sunday I spent my afternoon grading some papers and watching football. I’m truly enjoying student teaching and know this is something I could do with my life for a long time. So for now becoming a full-time blogger/photographer will continue to be my dream job. A girl’s gotta have dreams right?

Teacher grading 10-9

3// Fall Break officially starts a break for my body. I have a little injury to my foot that I can’t expect to heal without some time off and possibly a visit to a professional. While I love CrossFit, not being able to run or jump has been driving me insane. I can only handle so much rowing.

4// I had started reading Divergent a few weeks ago. I know, I know. I’m way late on reading this. So while waiting between flights and on the airplane that’s what I was reading. I’m hooked on this book…and on the new shade of nail polish I tried. It’s a dark burgundy/maroon shade.

Divergent and nails 10-9

5// And here’s some inspiration from my Pinterest. I’ve been wanting some cute little short heel boots for fall and winter. I’ve found some super cute greyish-brown ones, but I wasn’t sure if they’d be okay to wear with black since that’s all I wear. Pinterest outfits are showing me that is may be possible to pull it off.


There is something so thrilling that comes with traveling and going to a new place if even for a short time. I’m hoping this time away will refresh me to push through the rest of the semester. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

What’s on your mind today?





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