The In-Between Stage

SkylarMarch 12, 2015

in-between stage march 11©
Feeling like I’m in-between has been a consistent feeling throughout my life. It always seems like there’s people who are ahead of me who have “made it.” There are others who seem a few steps behind me. There I am in the middle–the in-between stage.

I remember when I was in 9th grade and what seemed like out of the blue to me, my girlfriends had boyfriends. I was thinking “whoa so now we’re actually supposed to show that we like boys and hang out with them and stuff?” So I decided it was my time to start looking into boys and I’ll just say I wasn’t terribly successful at that in high school. Thus my feelings of being in-between began.

This past weekend I went home for one of the above mentioned high school girlfriend’s baby shower. She had her baby a few weeks ago. I also saw the other high school best friend mentioned prior who is expecting later this year. To realize that both of those girls had/were producing human babies threw my mind for quite a loop. Before my eyes I saw the physical realities of their lives and how mine contrasted from theirs.

We’re the same age, 22 (actually they already turned 23) but they’re at a completely different stage than me. To me it feels like they’re ahead. They’re both married. Both having/had their first baby. While I just barely graduated college and started my first real adult job. They’re lives are concerned with a husband and child, while mine is still pretty focused on myself.

Now let me say before you freak out. No I’m not going to get married soon. I sure as heck am not going to be having a human child anytime in the near future. 

But it’s just weird. I can’t really comprehend having a husband and being “wifed up” just yet. And I don’t even like to hold babies so I don’t have fond thoughts when I think of having one of those.

On the contrary, I step back and think of my sorority best friends. None of them are married. They have no babies (Praise the Lord). They’re applying to grad-schools and are finding their place in post-college life.

And here is where I feel in-between. Anytime I go home and see my friends, I feel a little more of a pull towards being more ready for that stage–marriage and so forth. Then I come to my reality here of getting through my first half year as a teacher. I feel more of a pull towards grad school and focusing on furthering my career.

Even in blogging I’m feel like I’m in the in-between stage. I’m definitely not a “newbie” inexperienced blogger. I’ve been doing this for a few years. But I stil don’t feel even close like I’ve made it as a blogger. And that’s okay because I’m constantly striving to be a better blogger and learning from bloggers who have “made-it.”

The question is: So how do I get to where I feel like I’m caught up instead of feeling in-between?

My answer is: I don’t ever think I’ll get to a place where I feel like I’m caught up in life. Say I was married, I would probably looking ahead to what other married couples are doing and feel like I have to get to where they are. In my job maybe I will go to graduate school someday. Then I’ll be feeling like I’m behind in the career field. I’ll probably be feeling like I’m at in-between stage through a lot of my life and I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. That just means I’ll always be striving towards whatever is next.

What stage do you feel like you’re in? 

Are you caught up? In-between? Lagging behind?

Comments (11)

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    March 12, 2015 at 5:36 pm

    I have to say, I definitely cannot imagine having a baby a few years from now! I think the difference between your high school and college friends is interesting! It really shows how much culture and region can affect life stages.

    1. Skylar

      March 13, 2015 at 2:41 am

      Yes it really is a culture/regional thing! It’s interesting to think about!

  • Kaelene @Unlocking Kiki

    March 13, 2015 at 6:38 am

    I so know what you mean. Everyone back home is married with babies and here I am just living in a different country still figuring life out! I do know though that I am happy I chose this path and getting to experience all these things before I settle down.

    1. Skylar

      March 15, 2015 at 12:27 am

      Your happy with where you are so I think that’s most important 🙂

  • Kendel

    March 13, 2015 at 10:13 am

    I definitely feel like I’m behind when I compare myself to my American friends. 90% of them are married with their first kid at 21/22 or some of them are with longterm boyfriends and starting their first ‘adult” job. I’m still in college and won’t be graduating for another two years because I decided to change my degree. Gah, so frustrating on one hand, but I know that I’m doing the right thing for myself 🙂 That’s all we can really do at the moment 🙂

    1. Skylar

      March 15, 2015 at 12:28 am

      It’s neat to hear from you that your American friends are like that. Definitely must be a culture/region thing! I agree with you in knowing that I’m doing what’s right for me!

  • Julie Hood

    March 13, 2015 at 10:18 am

    i can totally relate to this!! I’ve been married for 2 years, but this is my first year of teaching, and I look at other married 20-something’s with adorable babies like “should I start crankin em out?” While on the other hand I’m like “I never want to stop teaching!” Haha. Definitely in the middle, that in between stage.

    1. Skylar

      March 15, 2015 at 12:29 am

      Haha “cranking them out.” I think of the people who do teach and have children and think “how do they do it?”!

  • Christina

    March 13, 2015 at 6:01 pm

    I know that in-between feeling so well. I think our culture is starting to embrace the whole “you can have it all” attitude – but it’s impossible as life is full of waiting and sacrifice. I definitely remember being where you are, and now that I’m married, I’m finding myself trying to balance between wanting to further my career, wanting to travel, and wanting to start a family.

    The great thing about being married, is that I have a spouse who listens and dreams and lives in these moments with me. We remind each other that we’re where we’re supposed to be for a reason.

    I think you’re SO right in that you’ll be feeling this way for the most of your life. Embrace it as growth and change and know that even those who look like they’ve “made it” are wondering what’s next – and when – as well. 🙂

    1. Skylar

      March 15, 2015 at 12:30 am

      Yes I definitely agree that our culture has a “you can have it all” attitude, but it’s very unrealistic. That’s so awesome that your husband is someone you can dream with and can remind you of your purpose!

  • Betsy

    March 22, 2015 at 9:57 am

    Wow, I totally can relate to this post! All of my friends are married and now starting to have babies, and up until a few months ago, I was still just dreaming about my wedding! I would get together with a group of girlfriends and listen to them talk about their weddings, honeymoons, and marriages and I was just dating my guy. Now we’re engaged, and the last time I got together with those girls, I thought “yay! It’s going to be my turn to dish on all of my wedding details!” and instead we spent the whole night talking about one’s 10 week old, the other’s upcoming birth of her first son, and how another just found out she’s pregnant. I’m so happy for each one of them, but it’s hard not to feel like I’m lagging! And I’m 25, so I have a few years on you! Haha…But hey, everything comes in it’s own time, and I wouldn’t change my relationship and my life for anything!

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