Thanksgiving + 4 Facts Survey

SkylarNovember 28, 2014

Hello! I hope everyone had a marvelous Thanksgiving and thank you for taking the time to read my blog today! I had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with my family and of course ate way too much. It was a great day filled with lot of laughter and I’m so thankful I was able to be home. For today’s Black Friday I’m not going out shopping until late this afternoon.

I spent a good 30 minutes trying to write a blog post, but I didn’t have much to say so I’m doing this 4 facts survey that I was nominated for by Kendel!

Four names that people call me other than my real name:


Skuhhhlarrrr (This is how my friends say my name.)

Rainbow (my Dad)

Miss Starbuck (My students. I guess this is my “real” name, but it’s still weird)

Four jobs I’ve had:


Secretary Assistant

Camp Counselor

Children’s Program Assistant

dad sprinkler

Four movies I’ve watched more than once:

A Knight’s Tale

The Lion King


Christmas Family Vacation



Four books I’d recommend

Glass Castle


Atlas Girl


Divergent and nails 10-9

Four places I’ve lived

Current apartment in Las Cruces

Dorms at NMSU

Parents home in Clovis

A different house in Clovis, NM (I haven’t moved very much evidently)

Four places I’ve visited

St. Louis

Las Vegas


Washington DC

St. Louis Arch

Four places I’d rather be right now

In the mountains

In Las Vegas with my girlfriends

In Europe

In Austin because I always want to be there


Four things I prefer not to eat:

Hot Dogs.

Brussel Sprouts

Anything off the bone like chicken wings or ribs


Four of my favorite foods:




Peanut Butter

Pancakes. Labor D Weekend

Four TV shows I watch:

Mad Men

Orange is the New Black

Downton Abbey


Four things I’m looking forward to this year:

Finishing student teaching


Going to Colorado for Christmas

Christmas Break


Four things I’m always saying:

Ummm…I can’t think of what I say a lot.

Four people I tag to answer these questions.

Anyone, and everyone who wants to do this survey!

What are you doing for Black Friday? Tell me 4 facts!

Comments (1)

  • Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating

    December 1, 2014 at 3:51 am

    Ah, Christmas Vacation! One of the best Christmas movies ever in my opinion. I swear I can quote that movie line for line. Oh, and my boyfriend and I are visiting Austin this New Year’s for a mini vacation and I would LOVE to hear suggestions on things to do/places to see/places to eat, etc.! So if you have any ideas at all, please do comment or message me if you have some spare time. 🙂 Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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