• A Weekend of Firsts Part 2: Justine’s Wedding

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 18, 2013

    This past weekend I got to go to my first wedding for a sorority sister! My pledge class sister Justine got married in Lubbock this past Saturday, June 15, 2013. After my Mom and I ran on Saturday we went home and I got ready to head to Lubbock. The wedding was at 4:30 Texas time and I got to our hotel at 3:30! I cut it a little close!…

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  • End of Spring 13’ Junior Year in Pictures

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 13, 2013

    Finally, I have gotten a chance to blog again! Last week was finals and what I thought would be an easy week was jam packed with things to finish up the school year. When I did have a split second the last thing I wanted…

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  • Greek Sing ‘13 and returning to normal life…sort of

    skystarbuck@gmail.com April 19, 2013

    Well it’s been almost three weeks since I last posted and I have definitely missed my little blog. However, I honestly haven’t had any time to blog or read any blogs. Today, I finally got to sit down and caught up on some of my…

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