
  • All My Friends Graduated

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 12, 2015

    This past weekend my last two best friends graduated from college. So that means we’re all college graduates! This time last year we were freaking out because about half or our group graduated and was moving away while the rest of us had to finish our degrees. Another year flew by and now we’re all officially done and will be leaving this place. Our college town is what brought us together.…

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  • Guest Post// Anything or Everything

    skystarbuck@gmail.com March 23, 2015

    Hello! Today’s guest post comes from Dani who blogs at The Postcard Journals. She just graduated from a small university in Georgia where she was a Zeta (yayyy for being Zeta sisters). She is now teaching English in Luang Prabang, Laos. I greatly admire this girl’s brave and adventurous…

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  • 5 Things Sorority Life Gave Me

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 26, 2014

    With recruitment right around the corner and with many sororities who have already welcomed their fall 2014 pledge class I wanted to share why joining a sorority was one of the best decisions I ever made. This past May marked the ending of my time…

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  • Recruitment & Rain

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 14, 2013

    Last weekend was filled 24/7 with sorority recruitment. I’ll spare you with having to go into details about it and just share some pictures from the week. But first of all I finally got to go to the farmer’s market this morning!! My Mom and…

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  • Recruitment & Rain

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 14, 2013

    Last weekend was filled 24/7 with sorority recruitment. I’ll spare you with having to go into details about it and just share some pictures from the week. But first of all I finally got to go to the farmer’s market this morning!! My Mom and…

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  • A Weekend of Firsts Part 2: Justine’s Wedding

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 18, 2013

    This past weekend I got to go to my first wedding for a sorority sister! My pledge class sister Justine got married in Lubbock this past Saturday, June 15, 2013. After my Mom and I ran on Saturday we went home and I got ready…

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  • Gettin a little colorful

    skystarbuck@gmail.com March 26, 2013

    It makes me so happy that I have time to blog today. I think it’s something that only “bloggers” would understand. Moving on! Since I’m on Spring Break I’ve had time to cook myself breakfast in the morning. You know what that means? Protein pancakes!…

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  • Springing forward in a red dress

    skystarbuck@gmail.com March 10, 2013

    Isn’t spring forward the worst time change. I woke up this morning with no alarm and my clock said 7:30 a.m. I thought I was doing good and was surprised I didn’t sleep in very late. I was wrong. It was actually 8:30 a.m., which…

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