young adult

  • My First Semester of Graduate School December 14, 2015

    It’s hard to believe that I have officially completed my first semester of graduate school at Texas Tech. In August I was moving into my one bedroom apartment in this new town and anxiously awaiting to get started on grad classes. I remember walking into my first graduate class (theories) and quietly and quickly finding a seat in the back of the room. I remember thinking “most of these people went…

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  • The In-Between Stage March 12, 2015

    Feeling like I’m in-between has been a consistent feeling throughout my life. It always seems like there’s people who are ahead of me who have “made it.” There are others who seem a few steps behind me. There I am in the middle–the in-between stage.…

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  • Being Content Where You Are February 6, 2015

    Content. kənˈtent/ in a state of peaceful happiness. a state of satisfaction. When I saw the February prompt for the Peony Project monthly link-up, I kind of brushed it off. I wanted to link-up, but I didn’t want to write about being content.  Last fall I…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #5 May 29, 2014

    For today’s blog post I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud! Here we goooo! 1. I miss my friends, but it’s so nice when I get to see them. One of my best friends came to town, so I met her…

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