working out

  • Five For Friday: Spring Break & Kittens January 31, 2014

    Hello errrbody! I’m soooo happy it’s Friday. This week went by fast, but I’m ready for the weekend. So here’s 5 things I want to share for Friday! 1. Spring Breakkkkkk Guess where I’m going with 12 of my closest sorority sisters?! Vegas!!! That’s right…

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  • I Burnt My Toast Twice & July Goals July 10, 2013

    Monday I couldn’t even make good protein pancakes. Tuesday I burnt two pieces of toast. I just ate the second one anyways. I broke a glass that fell out of a cabinet too. Tuesday was rough. But it’s a new day! I had a green…

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  • I Burnt My Toast Twice & July Goals July 10, 2013

    Monday I couldn’t even make good protein pancakes. Tuesday I burnt two pieces of toast. I just ate the second one anyways. I broke a glass that fell out of a cabinet too. Tuesday was rough. But it’s a new day! I had a green…

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  • Greek Sing ‘13 and returning to normal life…sort of April 19, 2013

    Well it’s been almost three weeks since I last posted and I have definitely missed my little blog. However, I honestly haven’t had any time to blog or read any blogs. Today, I finally got to sit down and caught up on some of my…

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  • Two More Days Until Christmas! December 23, 2012

    Happy Saturday night!! Just two more days until Christmas! So that’s me. I am in the blonde in black. I know that picture is definitely high quality obviously haha not! Anyways, I was having some short-lived fun with my web-cam. You will probably be seeing…

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