weight training

  • Five For Friday: Spring Break & Kittens

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 31, 2014

    Hello errrbody! I’m soooo happy it’s Friday. This week went by fast, but I’m ready for the weekend. So here’s 5 things I want to share for Friday! 1. Spring Breakkkkkk Guess where I’m going with 12 of my closest sorority sisters?! Vegas!!! That’s right I’m going back and I’m already super excited. Sometimes I just want to jump around and scream and throw confetti and rainbows because I can’t…

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  • Five For Friday: Spring Break & Kittens

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 31, 2014

    Hello errrbody! I’m soooo happy it’s Friday. This week went by fast, but I’m ready for the weekend. So here’s 5 things I want to share for Friday! 1. Spring Breakkkkkk Guess where I’m going with 12 of my closest sorority sisters?! Vegas!!! That’s right…

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