
  • Finding Words That Explain What I Can’t

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 28, 2014

    Driving home from Sunday brunch with my friends, I couldn’t help but be filled with happiness. The past weekend I spent my time with people who bring so much joy into my life. Friends, sorority sisters, and others…It was a weekend filled with laughter and…

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  • Finding Words That Explain What I Can't

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 28, 2014

    Driving home from Sunday brunch with my friends, I couldn’t help but be filled with happiness. The past weekend I spent my time with people who bring so much joy into my life. Friends, sorority sisters, and others…It was a weekend filled with laughter and…

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  • Vegas!!!! #timber

    skystarbuck@gmail.com December 20, 2013

    Unless you don’t follow me on Instagram or didn’t read my last blog post you may not know that I spent the last weekend in Las Vegas with my best girlfriends. You probably got sick of seeing our timber hashtag for the trip, but hey…

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  • Gatsby and a Bachelorette Party

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 27, 2013

    So it’s Memorial day and I’m just sitting here on the couch watching Girl Code. It’s hilarious I’m not gonna lie. Oh man I don’t even know how to explain it except you should watch it! Here’s a little recap of my weekend. On Thursday…

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  • Ryan Gosling and a Green Monster

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 23, 2013

    Have you seen the movie Crazy Stupid Love. If you haven’t seen it then you need to watch it. I thought I had a pretty decent crush on Ryan Gosling prior to watching the movie, but now my crush on him has skyrocketed through the…

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  • First Weekend Back

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 20, 2013

    The reality that school really is started has officially set in, but I’m looking forward to it. So far I’ve only had one day of classes on Thursday. I’m really excited to get started with classes because I think I’m going to really enjoy my…

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