Wednesdays Words

  • Wednesdays Words | Patience November 5, 2014

    Today I’m trying a new link-up today called Wednesday’s Words. Today I’m focusing on the word… Patient. It’s a word that people often use to describe me. I’m patient with how I interact and deal with people. I’m patient with the high school students I work with. For the most part I am a patient person. Except lately patience is something I’ve been struggling with. \\I graduate in 5 weeks.…

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  • Wednesdays Words | Patience November 5, 2014

    Today I’m trying a new link-up today called Wednesday’s Words. Today I’m focusing on the word… Patient. It’s a word that people often use to describe me. I’m patient with how I interact and deal with people. I’m patient with the high school students I…

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