
  • WIAW: Solo Weekend September 24, 2014

    Linking up today for What I Ate Wednesday! This weekend I spent mostly by myself so here’s an insight to what I ate and the thought processes that went into these sometimes laborious decisions. During the week I eat pretty healthy, but weekends are when I “let loose.” So hang on this WIAW is a wild ride. Sometimes I’m a bit sarcastic too. Friday Breakfast: Friday morning I woke up…

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  • WIAW: Spaghetti Squash & Bagels August 27, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Peas and Crayons for What I Ate Wednesday. It’s been awhile since I last did a WIAW since my blog move, so I’m going to briefly cover the weekend and a few things from last week. For breakfast lately I’ve…

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  • WIAW: Spaghetti Squash & Bagels August 27, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Peas and Crayons for What I Ate Wednesday. It’s been awhile since I last did a WIAW since my blog move, so I’m going to briefly cover the weekend and a few things from last week. For breakfast lately I’ve…

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  • WIAW: Baking from The Paleo Kitchen August 6, 2014

    ***I haven’t been blogging as much because I’d rather be posting on my blog in the making. It should be ready this weekend for sure! Hello everyone! I’m linking up today for What I Ate Wednesday! This past week on Thursday I got my wisdom…

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  • WIAW #2 Continent Pancakes June 4, 2014

    Hello everyone! Today I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday! This will cover about a span of a week and a few things I’ve eaten during that time. As I sit here working on this blog post I’m eating my protein pancakes that look…

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  • 5 On Friday: I Don’t Want to Taco ‘Bout It April 25, 2014

    1. Fitness. My workouts this week have been pretty good. On Monday in weight lifting I did this workout from PbFingers. I did 3 sets of 15 for each superset before moving on to the next one. I’ll be honest. I didn’t have time to…

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  • 5 On Friday: I Don't Want to Taco 'Bout It April 25, 2014

    1. Fitness. My workouts this week have been pretty good. On Monday in weight lifting I did this workout from PbFingers. I did 3 sets of 15 for each superset before moving on to the next one. I’ll be honest. I didn’t have time to…

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  • I Burnt My Toast Twice & July Goals July 10, 2013

    Monday I couldn’t even make good protein pancakes. Tuesday I burnt two pieces of toast. I just ate the second one anyways. I broke a glass that fell out of a cabinet too. Tuesday was rough. But it’s a new day! I had a green…

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  • I Burnt My Toast Twice & July Goals July 10, 2013

    Monday I couldn’t even make good protein pancakes. Tuesday I burnt two pieces of toast. I just ate the second one anyways. I broke a glass that fell out of a cabinet too. Tuesday was rough. But it’s a new day! I had a green…

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