
  • 2019: Year In Review February 4, 2020

    2019: Year in Review I know it’s already almost February and I have been wanting to start blogging consistently. Anyways, I put together some highlights and photos of what 2019 looked like for me. I think these are always fun to get a big picture idea of what happened over this past year and this is a post I’ve been wanting to do just to simply better record my life.…

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  • Life Lately: October Review November 8, 2019

    Trying to get back into the blogging swing, so I wrote up a quick review of the month of October! Brandon is already in bed for the night (it’s only 7:30 p.m.), so I’m just hanging out on the couch writing this up instead of…

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  • Spring Break of ’16 March 26, 2016

    Last Sunday I returned to school and work after being on spring break last week. I was crying internally the entire drive back to Lubbock dreading the return of school. But I already made it to the weekend! So I’m back on that grad school grind. Let’s…

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  • Spring Break of '16 March 26, 2016

    Last Sunday I returned to school and work after being on spring break last week. I was crying internally the entire drive back to Lubbock dreading the return of school. But I already made it to the weekend! So I’m back on that grad school grind. Let’s…

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  • Weekend Happenings // Vol. 2 June 15, 2015

    Happy Monday everyone! I’m here to share a few weekend happenings and some links! Happenings //I attended a wedding this weekend. It was a sweet, sweet ceremony and the couple looked stunning. You could tell they were completely in love.  // It’s been raining a…

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  • I Burnt My Toast Twice & July Goals July 10, 2013

    Monday I couldn’t even make good protein pancakes. Tuesday I burnt two pieces of toast. I just ate the second one anyways. I broke a glass that fell out of a cabinet too. Tuesday was rough. But it’s a new day! I had a green…

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  • I Burnt My Toast Twice & July Goals July 10, 2013

    Monday I couldn’t even make good protein pancakes. Tuesday I burnt two pieces of toast. I just ate the second one anyways. I broke a glass that fell out of a cabinet too. Tuesday was rough. But it’s a new day! I had a green…

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  • Last Post as a 20 Year Old June 26, 2013

    Yep today is my last day being 20 years old. I’ve been waiting for this day to get here for the past year, but now that it has arrived I wish it would go back a couple of days. So does that mean my 21st…

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  • I thought it already was summer? June 21, 2013

    Like the title says I thought it already was summer? But I guess today is the first “official day of summer.”  I never get to excited about this day because I’m usually like “Well yeah it’s been summer since I got out of school in…

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  • A Weekend of Firsts Part 2: Justine’s Wedding June 18, 2013

    This past weekend I got to go to my first wedding for a sorority sister! My pledge class sister Justine got married in Lubbock this past Saturday, June 15, 2013. After my Mom and I ran on Saturday we went home and I got ready…

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