
  • Community Brew // Seasons

    skystarbuck@gmail.com November 20, 2014

    I’m a little late, but I’m linking up with Rachel of Oh Simple Thoughts and Madison of Wetherills Say I Do for Community Brew. The topic for this month’s Community Brew is Seasons. Seasons. What a perfect topic for me to write about. The season of waiting that I am in right now is one that I have been consistently blogging about for this past half year. A few weeks…

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  • Wednesdays Words | Patience

    skystarbuck@gmail.com November 5, 2014

    Today I’m trying a new link-up today called Wednesday’s Words. Today I’m focusing on the word… Patient. It’s a word that people often use to describe me. I’m patient with how I interact and deal with people. I’m patient with the high school students I…

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  • Wednesdays Words | Patience

    skystarbuck@gmail.com November 5, 2014

    Today I’m trying a new link-up today called Wednesday’s Words. Today I’m focusing on the word… Patient. It’s a word that people often use to describe me. I’m patient with how I interact and deal with people. I’m patient with the high school students I…

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  • Season of Waiting

    skystarbuck@gmail.com October 2, 2014

    You wanna know what I’ve been Thinking Out Loud lately. Well here’s just a glimpse… A message that has resonated with me from the Ruth bible study I’ve been doing is waiting. Our world right now hates waiting. We hate waiting in line. We hate…

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  • Oh hey, Friday //3

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 26, 2014

    Oh hey, Friday it’s nice to see you back around! 1// I’m about halfway done with student teaching. We were figuring out dates for evaluations for the rest of the semester and it’s going to fly by. This week was a great week of teaching…

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