
  • W’s for Wednesday: Quest Bars and Leighton Meester

    skystarbuck@gmail.com April 2, 2014

    So I know my Mom and maybe others are thinking when does she find time to blog when she is supposedly sooo busy? Basically I write my blog posts in my head all the time. I’m always blogging in my head whether it does actually get published or not. I type up my posts when I have spare moments that aren’t enough time for homework…or I don’t have enough focus…

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  • W's for Wednesday: Quest Bars and Leighton Meester

    skystarbuck@gmail.com April 2, 2014

    So I know my Mom and maybe others are thinking when does she find time to blog when she is supposedly sooo busy? Basically I write my blog posts in my head all the time. I’m always blogging in my head whether it does actually…

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  • Recruitment & Rain

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 14, 2013

    Last weekend was filled 24/7 with sorority recruitment. I’ll spare you with having to go into details about it and just share some pictures from the week. But first of all I finally got to go to the farmer’s market this morning!! My Mom and…

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  • Recruitment & Rain

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 14, 2013

    Last weekend was filled 24/7 with sorority recruitment. I’ll spare you with having to go into details about it and just share some pictures from the week. But first of all I finally got to go to the farmer’s market this morning!! My Mom and…

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  • Hello September: Labor Day ‘13

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 2, 2013

    Once again I’m shocked to see that September has already arrived!! I don’t know why I’m always surprised when a new month comes upon us. I use a calendar and see the days going by, so I should be ready for a new month every…

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  • A good Good Friday

    skystarbuck@gmail.com March 30, 2013

    Fridays are always the day that my mom, sister, and me (when I’m home) go to town to run errands and mess around. So we got pedicures which is one thing I desperately needed! I usually go for pink nail polish on my toes and…

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