Valentine's Day

  • Life Lately: Bagels & Skiing February 19, 2014

    There’s really no good reason I haven’t blogged lately except that life just happens and I just found myself wanting to do other things with my spare time than blog. Things like sleeping and eating. 1. Paleo At the beginning of the year my Mom and I decided we were going to try this eating Paleo thing. For awhile we did pretty well at it. I know I haven’t addressed…

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  • Life Lately: Bagels & Skiing February 19, 2014

    There’s really no good reason I haven’t blogged lately except that life just happens and I just found myself wanting to do other things with my spare time than blog. Things like sleeping and eating. 1. Paleo At the beginning of the year my Mom…

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  • Valentine’s Love & Gory Movies February 16, 2013

    To be honest I really don’t know why “Valentine’s Love & Gory Movies” is my title. That’s just what my fingers typed. So I went through pictures on my phone and I have a lot of pictures on there. I think today’s post will just…

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  • Valentine's Love & Gory Movies February 16, 2013

    To be honest I really don’t know why “Valentine’s Love & Gory Movies” is my title. That’s just what my fingers typed. So I went through pictures on my phone and I have a lot of pictures on there. I think today’s post will just…

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