tyler knott

  • Finding Words That Explain What I Can’t

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 28, 2014

    Driving home from Sunday brunch with my friends, I couldn’t help but be filled with happiness. The past weekend I spent my time with people who bring so much joy into my life. Friends, sorority sisters, and others…It was a weekend filled with laughter and jokes and just some really good times. So I don’t have a recap from the past week because honestly it wasn’t that thrilling. I was…

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  • Finding Words That Explain What I Can't

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 28, 2014

    Driving home from Sunday brunch with my friends, I couldn’t help but be filled with happiness. The past weekend I spent my time with people who bring so much joy into my life. Friends, sorority sisters, and others…It was a weekend filled with laughter and…

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