
  • Weekend-in-Steamboat-Springs-CO

    Weekend in Steamboat Springs, CO October 14, 2020

    In September the husband and I spent our Labor day weekend in Steamboat Springs, CO. I had been to Steamboat Springs a handful of times prior to this trip for skiing and to assist at a wedding. This trip was the first time I actually got to enjoy Steamboat Springs and explore the town. We both LOVED Steamboat. My husband loved it so much that he asked most of the…

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  • 2019: Year In Review February 4, 2020

    2019: Year in Review I know it’s already almost February and I have been wanting to start blogging consistently. Anyways, I put together some highlights and photos of what 2019 looked like for me. I think these are always fun to get a big picture…

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  • Life Lately: October Review November 8, 2019

    Trying to get back into the blogging swing, so I wrote up a quick review of the month of October! Brandon is already in bed for the night (it’s only 7:30 p.m.), so I’m just hanging out on the couch writing this up instead of…

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  • Austin // Spring Break Part 1 April 8, 2015

    Hiii everyone!!! I’m finally back from my 2 weeks of traveling! I have sooo much to catch up on! I can’t even begin to describe how much I’ve missed writing for my little space on the inter webs, but thankfully I had some awesome guest…

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  • Guest Post// Nashville & NYC March 27, 2015

    Heyy! Today’s guest post comes from Victoria! She’s a twenty something from the Chicago area. She is an alumni of University of Illinois and is an elementary teacher. Like myself Victoria loves Reeses and has a desire to travel the world! Today Victoria shares some…

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  • Guest Post// Nashville & NYC March 27, 2015

    Heyy! Today’s guest post comes from Victoria! She’s a twenty something from the Chicago area. She is an alumni of University of Illinois and is an elementary teacher. Like myself Victoria loves Reeses and has a desire to travel the world! Today Victoria shares some…

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  • Guest Post// Anything or Everything March 23, 2015

    Hello! Today’s guest post comes from Dani who blogs at The Postcard Journals. She just graduated from a small university in Georgia where she was a Zeta (yayyy for being Zeta sisters). She is now teaching English in Luang Prabang, Laos. I greatly admire this girl’s brave and adventurous…

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  • My Biggest Long Term Dreams October 24, 2014

    I saw this blog prompt today over at Hello Neverland and knew it was something I could easily blog about. I’m at a weird place where I don’t know what I’ll be doing in the short-term future meaning in about 2 months. However, I easily…

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