student teaching

  • Looking Back on 2014 December 30, 2014

    2014 was a year for the books and I still can’t believe it’s coming to a close. When I think back on 2014 I see two distinct sections of my life. Last spring was one of the funnest times in college I’ve ever had. It was my last semester with most of my sorority sisters and we lived it up (seriously though). Then summer came and went and I was…

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  • My Last Week as a College Student December 8, 2014

    This is my last week as a college student. This is my last Monday. As everyone is studying and having mental break downs about finals I’ll be trying to keep myself busy. I submitted my final assignment on Sunday and all that stands between me…

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  • Currently // December December 3, 2014

    Happy December and Wednesday everyone! Today I’m linking up with Jenna and Anne for the Currently linkup! Making// Hot Chocolate. I’ve been drinking hot chocolate more than ever before. I have at least one cup before I go to bed at night. Listening// All Christmas…

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  • One Month From Now November 13, 2014

    I’m linking up for Thinking Out Loud today! My life hasn’t been terribly exciting lately. I’m usually think far ahead in the future whenever my mind wanders off, so let’s see my thoughts on what I’ll be doing a month from now. 1// In exactly…

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  • Oh hey, Friday // 4 October 17, 2014

    Woo this week is coming to a close!! I’m linking up today for Oh hey, Friday! Here’s what is making this Friday a good day: 1// I’ll start my day with an iced coffee from the student ran cafe at school. Fridays are my day…

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  • Thinking Out Loud // Fall Break October 16, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud! It seems like my new blogging schedule has changed to once weekly on Thursday. However, now that I’m back from break and have gotten settled back in hopefully I’m posting more often. Anyways…

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  • Thinking Out Loud// Fall Break Begins October 9, 2014

    Whoa I can’t believe it’s been a week since I last posted! The weekend was busy hanging out with my girlfriends and this week at school has been a whirlwind. To catch up a bit I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out…

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  • Oh hey, Friday //3 September 26, 2014

    Oh hey, Friday it’s nice to see you back around! 1// I’m about halfway done with student teaching. We were figuring out dates for evaluations for the rest of the semester and it’s going to fly by. This week was a great week of teaching…

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  • Student Teaching Outfits September 17, 2014

    Today’s post is a little outside of my comfort zone.  As a student teacher on the edge of graduating and becoming a normal teacher I’ve had a hard time finding teaching outfit ideas. Before student teaching it was acceptable to wear yoga pants and a…

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  • 1st Little Friday August 29, 2014

    I’m linking up with The Grits Blog for Little Friday! This is my first time to join in with this link up. Thankfully there are no rules because as you will see there is no structure to my post. Today is Friday! That means I’m…

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