
  • Currently// December December 2, 2015

    Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom for the December edition of currently to share what I’m wishing, remembering, wrapping, baking and decorating lately. Wishing// I’m wishing I didn’t have whatever quality that makes me procrastinate. Stress from finals is weighing down on me this week. The coffee and new mercies saying on my coffee cup above is needed in abundance.  Remembering// What I was feeling this time last year when I was a…

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  • WIAW: Albuquerque Edition July 23, 2014

    Buenos dias! Good morning! Today for What I Ate Wednesday I’m sharing the food I ate while on a weekend trip to Albuquerque to visit my girlfriends. I arrived in the 505 on Friday afternoon with an hour of time to kill before my friend…

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  • Texas Trip Part Dos July 28, 2013

    So sadly on Sunday  we made our way home from Texas. I always have mixed feelings about returning from trips. I know I’m not the only one who wishes they didn’t have to return home from vacation sometimes. Continuing from my former post Texas Trip:…

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  • Quick Trip Home March 3, 2013

    This weekend I made a surprise trip home to watch my little sister play her last official home basketball game.  I went to my one morning grammar class on Thursday and then headed to the good ol’ dirty Curry. I definitely surprised my sister at…

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  • Two More Days Until Christmas! December 23, 2012

    Happy Saturday night!! Just two more days until Christmas! So that’s me. I am in the blonde in black. I know that picture is definitely high quality obviously haha not! Anyways, I was having some short-lived fun with my web-cam. You will probably be seeing…

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