
  • Why You Need to Go Self-Hosted November 3, 2014

    So you started a blog and now aspire of growing your blog. However you’re still hosted through WordPress or Blogger (meaning you have .wordpress after your name). That’s great and it’s free, but if your blog is going to be more than just a little side hobby you may want to consider going self-hosted. Let me rephrase that. If your blog is not meant to be private and is more…

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  • How I’m Failing At Blogging September 18, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud. These are some thoughts I’ve had about blogging lately. Just to clarify I’m not having a pity party, but instead poking a bit of fun at myself. I was dumb and let my…

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  • How I'm Failing At Blogging September 18, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud. These are some thoughts I’ve had about blogging lately. Just to clarify I’m not having a pity party, but instead poking a bit of fun at myself. I was dumb and let my…

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