
  • Hello October October 2, 2015

    Happy Friday everyone! Aren’t you so excited that October has arrived?! I know I am. I’m ready for this hot weather to disappear and the cool air to come rushing in. Grandma sweaters, hot coffee, and leather boots are calling my name. I thought I would use today’s post to give a little life update. The previous week of grad school was super stressful and busy, but thankfully that week passed…

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  • Weekend Happenings Vol. 1 May 25, 2015

    This past week was a little crazy. There was a lot going on with the end of school for summer and some upcoming changes in my life. So that’s why I’ve been absent and reserved in the blog world.  Happenings //I completed my first half…

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  • 5 Reasons Why I Love San Diego April 11, 2015

    Last Sunday morning (Easter), I returned from a school trip to San Diego. My broadcast staff competed in a national competition and this year the convention was in San Diego. Our hotel was filled with 2,700 other students/teachers who are media nerds like us. My passion…

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  • Currently// January January 7, 2015

    Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Dearest Love for the January edition of Currently. I’ve been a little absent from the blog world and you’ll understand why… Planning// I haven’t announced this on my blog yet, but I started my first teaching job this…

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  • Hemp Hearts Energy Balls October 27, 2014

    Looking for a healthy bite sized snack that will satisfy your sweet tooth without killing your healthy eating? Then I have the perfect recipe for you today! A few weeks ago I received a package of Manitoba Hemp Hearts to review through being a Sweat…

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  • Oh hey, Friday // 4 October 17, 2014

    Woo this week is coming to a close!! I’m linking up today for Oh hey, Friday! Here’s what is making this Friday a good day: 1// I’ll start my day with an iced coffee from the student ran cafe at school. Fridays are my day…

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  • Thinking Out Loud // Fall Break October 16, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud! It seems like my new blogging schedule has changed to once weekly on Thursday. However, now that I’m back from break and have gotten settled back in hopefully I’m posting more often. Anyways…

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  • Thinking Out Loud: Rest & Airports July 31, 2014

    Oh hey everyone! I’ve been missing from the blog world for the past week and it’s truly been a nice break. So let’s try to catch up by linking up with Thinking Out Loud! Coffee and kitties are my favorite way to start my morning!…

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  • Thinking Out Loud: Rest & Airports July 31, 2014

    Oh hey everyone! I’ve been missing from the blog world for the past week and it’s truly been a nice break. So let’s try to catch up by linking up with Thinking Out Loud! Coffee and kitties are my favorite way to start my morning!…

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  • Banana Chobani & A Nap August 28, 2013

    A cup of banana chobani and a nap was all I needed this afternoon. After a day of class and work and then class again, I was super tired and ready for a snack. My sister texted me right as I got out of class…

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