
  • Season of Waiting October 2, 2014

    You wanna know what I’ve been Thinking Out Loud lately. Well here’s just a glimpse… A message that has resonated with me from the Ruth bible study I’ve been doing is waiting. Our world right now hates waiting. We hate waiting in line. We hate waiting for a text. We want things now. We want them immediately when we can get them. We want them on our timing. We want…

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  • Uncovering the Ashes September 22, 2014

    Some things aren’t pleasant or easy to write about. Some things make you afraid to hit the publish button. Some things you know you have to get out. So today I’m wading into deeper waters… I’ve been doing the Ruth Gospel of Grace bible study…

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  • Oh hey, Friday //2 September 19, 2014

    Some things are just harder to write than others. I had a different post that I wanted to post today, but it needs a little more time and work. Instead I’m linking up for with Oh hey, Friday!! 1// Fog seriously fascinates me. I cannot…

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