
  • 6 Books I’ve Recently Read and Loved April 23, 2020

    *This post includes affiliate links to Amazon. The past few years I’ve intentionally been reading for leisure more in my life. Growing up reading was one of my favorite things to do as a child, and even inspired why I went to college and graduated with a degree in education for Language Arts. In college English classes made up a big part of my coursework, so I was always reading…

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  • 6 Books I've Recently Read and Loved April 23, 2020

    *This post includes affiliate links to Amazon. The past few years I’ve intentionally been reading for leisure more in my life. Growing up reading was one of my favorite things to do as a child, and even inspired why I went to college and graduated…

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  • Currently // June June 3, 2015

    I can’t believe it’s already June, but I’m so happy that it is. A lot will be going on this month like my birthday, a wedding, a CrossFit competition, and photography workshops. But before all of that happens let’s catch up. Today I’m linking up…

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  • Guest Post// The Books That Changed Me April 6, 2015

    Hello everyone! Today’s guest post comes from Kimberley from Peculiar Treasures. Kimberley is a 20-something blogger from Australia. She blogs about life, faith and the world around. Her love for Christ shines through her writing and her blog. Today Kim talks about books that have changed her.…

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  • Guest Post// My Version of Therapy March 30, 2015

    Hello lovelies! Today’s guest post comes from Ashley! Ashley is a blogger I’ve started following recently and I already know she is someone I can reach out too whenever I need to. Ironically, the day I am getting her guest post ready happens to have…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #4 May 22, 2014

    I’m linking up with Running With Spoons today for Thinking Out Loud! 1. My back is incredibly sore this morning. My Dad and I cleaned out troughs that we feed our cattle out of. That consisted of first removing all the tumbleweeds with a pitchfork.…

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  • Summer 2014 Goals May 19, 2014

    Summer. Images of sunshine, tan lines, and iced coffee fill my mind. Entering the beginning of my summer break I always have lofty hopes and plans for what I want to do and accomplish during this time. So I’m sharing my goals for summer on…

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  • From Thoughts to Words January 16, 2014

    As I was laying in bed last night before my first day back to that college grind, I mentally came to accept that this truly is my last semester of classes. Of course the semester after this one I’ll be doing student teaching, which I…

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