
  • Weekend Happenings // Vol. 2

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 15, 2015

    Happy Monday everyone! I’m here to share a few weekend happenings and some links! Happenings //I attended a wedding this weekend. It was a sweet, sweet ceremony and the couple looked stunning. You could tell they were completely in love.  // It’s been raining a lot at home lately. Getting rain means that my Dad and other farmers are happy, so like Luke Bryan says “Rain is a good thing.”…

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  • Thinking Out Loud: Rest & Airports

    skystarbuck@gmail.com July 31, 2014

    Oh hey everyone! I’ve been missing from the blog world for the past week and it’s truly been a nice break. So let’s try to catch up by linking up with Thinking Out Loud! Coffee and kitties are my favorite way to start my morning!…

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  • Thinking Out Loud: Rest & Airports

    skystarbuck@gmail.com July 31, 2014

    Oh hey everyone! I’ve been missing from the blog world for the past week and it’s truly been a nice break. So let’s try to catch up by linking up with Thinking Out Loud! Coffee and kitties are my favorite way to start my morning!…

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  • Memorial Weekend ’14

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 26, 2014

    As I’m sitting at home writing a blog post today I was a bit intimidated about what to write about since it is Memorial Day Weekend. While everyone is out having BBQs and playing yard games, many people today are without their loved ones. As…

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  • Memorial Weekend '14

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 26, 2014

    As I’m sitting at home writing a blog post today I was a bit intimidated about what to write about since it is Memorial Day Weekend. While everyone is out having BBQs and playing yard games, many people today are without their loved ones. As…

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  • 5 on a Rainy Friday

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 23, 2014

    Happy Friday everyone! Here is my 5 for Friday. 1. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear rain pouring down on our roof outside my window. The sound and smell of rain will always be one of my favorites. We’ve been…

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  • Recruitment & Rain

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 14, 2013

    Last weekend was filled 24/7 with sorority recruitment. I’ll spare you with having to go into details about it and just share some pictures from the week. But first of all I finally got to go to the farmer’s market this morning!! My Mom and…

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  • Recruitment & Rain

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 14, 2013

    Last weekend was filled 24/7 with sorority recruitment. I’ll spare you with having to go into details about it and just share some pictures from the week. But first of all I finally got to go to the farmer’s market this morning!! My Mom and…

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  • Chobani Makes Me Happy

    skystarbuck@gmail.com July 13, 2013

    Hello! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I had this post almost done on Saturday, but then I had to go so I’m posting it today and will post a few things from this weekend tomorrow. I get really happy when my grocery store…

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