protein pancakes

  • WIAW #5 The Struggle Bus July 2, 2014

    I was a bit hesitant to link up today for What I Ate Wednesday because I’m riding on the first seat of the What I Ate Struggle Bus. What the heck does that mean? Let me explain… I read this verse in my devotional this morning: “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to…

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  • WIAW #2 Continent Pancakes June 4, 2014

    Hello everyone! Today I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday! This will cover about a span of a week and a few things I’ve eaten during that time. As I sit here working on this blog post I’m eating my protein pancakes that look…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #5 May 29, 2014

    For today’s blog post I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud! Here we goooo! 1. I miss my friends, but it’s so nice when I get to see them. One of my best friends came to town, so I met her…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #4 May 22, 2014

    I’m linking up with Running With Spoons today for Thinking Out Loud! 1. My back is incredibly sore this morning. My Dad and I cleaned out troughs that we feed our cattle out of. That consisted of first removing all the tumbleweeds with a pitchfork.…

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  • Reunited & MLK weekend January 21, 2014

    Currently my life is pretty uneventful. I didn’t have school on Monday due to MLK day and I didn’t do anything noteworthy. Well I don’t have pictures anyways. Right now I don’t have homework I should be doing nor do I have  sorority events to…

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  • Reunited & MLK weekend January 21, 2014

    Currently my life is pretty uneventful. I didn’t have school on Monday due to MLK day and I didn’t do anything noteworthy. Well I don’t have pictures anyways. Right now I don’t have homework I should be doing nor do I have  sorority events to…

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  • Summertime Sadness: Music & Food Favorites August 24, 2013

    Happyyyy Saturday everyone!! I started my morning off with this yoga sequence. It only took me about 5 minutes…too fast? Probably. But it was a great way to get my body stretched and moving before a long day at recruitment workshops. And my sister and…

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  • Summertime Sadness: Music & Food Favorites August 24, 2013

    Happyyyy Saturday everyone!! I started my morning off with this yoga sequence. It only took me about 5 minutes…too fast? Probably. But it was a great way to get my body stretched and moving before a long day at recruitment workshops. And my sister and…

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  • Some August Goals and Moto X love August 3, 2013

    (You may notice my blog design is different. I’m just going to say blog designing is tough. I have a lot to learn before this blog is going to look the way I want it.) I don’t know why I’m so surprised when a new…

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  • French Toast & Yellow Labs July 12, 2013

    I finally got myself up at 7 this morning! Even though it was the second alarm that morning that went off. I typically just dismiss the alarm and go back to sleep till 8. My body will have a rude awakening once school starts back…

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