
  • What I Learned at a Nutrition Seminar November 24, 2014

    On Friday night my CrossFit box had a nutrition seminar that I attended. The owner of a local nutrition supplement shop came and spoke to us and brought us some free stuff. I learned quite a few things about nutrition and supplements that I didn’t know before. Being someone who is into the health/fitness world I almost assume I have a pretty good grasp on nutrition. However, I was gladly…

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  • Gettin a little colorful March 26, 2013

    It makes me so happy that I have time to blog today. I think it’s something that only “bloggers” would understand. Moving on! Since I’m on Spring Break I’ve had time to cook myself breakfast in the morning. You know what that means? Protein pancakes!…

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  • 5 Things Friday February 22, 2013

    1. I hate my phone. It sucks. The only thing I like about it is that it has a good camera with flash and I can turn the camera to face me, but that’s only when it works! It’s sooo slow. I really miss my…

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