
  • Emily Ley’s Simplified Planner //Giveaway December 18, 2014

      Hi everyone!! This weekend has been a wild whirlwind and carried over to these past couple of days. I’ll catch y’all up on my life later, but first I have an exciting giveaway to tell you all about! Without further ado…. The Christmas Season is such a spirit filled, cozy time of the year, but there is nothing quite as refreshing as a new year and new plans. There’s…

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  • Emily Ley's Simplified Planner //Giveaway December 18, 2014

      Hi everyone!! This weekend has been a wild whirlwind and carried over to these past couple of days. I’ll catch y’all up on my life later, but first I have an exciting giveaway to tell you all about! Without further ado…. The Christmas Season…

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  • 5 on a Rainy Friday May 23, 2014

    Happy Friday everyone! Here is my 5 for Friday. 1. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear rain pouring down on our roof outside my window. The sound and smell of rain will always be one of my favorites. We’ve been…

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  • Friday Faves: Back-To-College Basics September 6, 2013

    Guess what!! It’s Friday y’all!! I got to start my Friday with my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the year. Bad decision. I forgot how good these are!! And in the office I work for the secretary for the part I’m in gave us all…

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