
  • A Wild Friday Night In September 11, 2015

    If you had been a fly on the wall of my life the last 8 months or so you would know that I am a pro at spending a Friday night in. I’m such a pro that I usually wake up around noon on Saturday  with a headache due to the wildness of my Friday nights at home. I also like to be a bit sarcastic. As part of the…

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  • Austin // Spring Break Part 1 April 8, 2015

    Hiii everyone!!! I’m finally back from my 2 weeks of traveling! I have sooo much to catch up on! I can’t even begin to describe how much I’ve missed writing for my little space on the inter webs, but thankfully I had some awesome guest…

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  • Weekend Getaway: Ruidoso February 16, 2015

    This weekend my sister and I met our parents in a nearby mountain town for a little ski getaway. When we arrived there Friday evening we went to Cafe Rio to have some pizza for dinner. We had to wait awhile since it’s a popular…

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  • Understanding the Netflix Binge November 17, 2014

    I had never really understood where people found the time or desire to spend hours watching Netflix. This act is commonly known as a “Netflix Binge.” Throughout college I didn’t even have time to watch TV. Honestly I didn’t. I always had homework to be…

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  • WIAW: Solo Weekend September 24, 2014

    Linking up today for What I Ate Wednesday! This weekend I spent mostly by myself so here’s an insight to what I ate and the thought processes that went into these sometimes laborious decisions. During the week I eat pretty healthy, but weekends are when…

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  • WIAW #2 Continent Pancakes June 4, 2014

    Hello everyone! Today I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday! This will cover about a span of a week and a few things I’ve eaten during that time. As I sit here working on this blog post I’m eating my protein pancakes that look…

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  • WIAW 1: I Want All the Things May 14, 2014

    I’m officially participating in my first What I Ate Wednesday!! This definitely does not cover a day of eats, but is more like a collection of random things throughout the past week. This is probably one of the most unhealthy WIAW’s too! I’ll get better…

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